Zoho Sprints es una plataforma ágil de gestión de proyectos que puede impulsar la productividad y la eficiencia del equipo. La plataforma está diseñada para reunir equipos a través de herramientas que ayudan con la priorización de tareas pendientes, la planificación de sprints y el seguimiento del progreso. También ayuda a respaldar la colaboración con los usuarios.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
Despliegue | Nube / SaaS / Basado en web, Android móvil, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil |
Formación | Documentación |
Idiomas | Inglés |
Easy to collaborate on projects as a group
Honestly, nothing. This is perfect for the projects we do at our start up.
To do lists are simpler.
Ease of use. Simple navigation. Easy customization
Cant see multiple projects list on-screen with there corresponding sprints
Faster deliveries, managing change requests, coordinating with QA
The best thing in this zoho sprint is that you can create your Product/Project goals as Epics and can track its performance which will help you to check the project progress. And through this, you can follow the sprint performance as well.
Zoho Sprint is more likely a Project App but not a product app because a product app needs to measure some parameters that are: 1. From which customer the Change request came from, and the user cannot create a project for each client. 2.Product Module and sub-module backlogs should have a better report or analytics to understand how we can close this.
We are setting our processes for Product change requests in a more efficient way to manage these requests. We have received the benefits to have a correct track for each change request, and we never miss the timelines.
We as a PMO need to control all projects including software development ones, since we already have Zoho Projects, and Zoho Sprints is fully integrated, theses are the perfect solution for us.
Our GitLabs integration stops from nothing.
Projects control and reports, and also a resource allocation.
Zoho Sprints es simple y sencillo de usar. La vista de proyectos con el resumen de sprints, historias, tareas y errores me parece muy util. El reporte de horas del equipo y su consumo me durante el sprint me parece lo más ventajoso, asi como la posibilidad de poder crear templates propios, por ejemplo, para definir test cases ( esto me parece lo mejor, a diferencia de otras herramientas que he usando anteriormente)
No encontré la manera de colocar la duracion en tiempo de las tareas en las cards, para que se puedan visualizar en el kamban board- Seria interesante poder hacerlo. O un reporte que sume el tiempo total estimado puesto en cada tarea de un sprint
El tener a todo el equipo comunicado y usando la misma herramienta, ya que anteriormente un equipo usada trello y el otro jira, ya que jira no acepta mas de 10 usuarios con la version que teniamos.
Easily configurable interfaces and templates are very finely constructed and gives a power performance for the users
There are no task dependencies as in Zoho Projects and the web interface is sometimes a bit slow
Makes agile management super easy within our organization thus improving overall performance
* Easy to use * Familiar interface * Feature rich * Quick, intuitive interface * Great reports
* No kanban board * Settings organization not as easy
We need to replace Jira which is expensive and bloated. Add ons cost too much. Zoho Sprints is just about a feature-to-feature replacement for Jira.
Global-View is the best, and other many features.
subtasks do not appear automatically in the task board, the spaces for tasks and subtasks should be smaller, I mean that taiga.io shows more tasks in the screen than Zoho
I want to use good software for task management and the Zoho is one of them
A great agile tool to allow our Development and Operations teams to work collaboratively. Project and task management is a breeze to administer. Mobile app!
Potential for outage due to online only.
Consistent and centralised communication is now possible.
I love how everything is in one place and everyone can be on the same page while working together on a project. Zoho even allows us to schedule meetings and invite people via email to them. I go right ahead and put it into my calendar after that. The best part for me about this product is how organized it keeps me and my colleagues and how everyone can stay on tract because of this.
If I do not have a good internet connection for example if I decide to do a little bit of planning once I am back home then all of my work is not saved. I have decided that if I am going to type something out while at home from now on I will open up a word document and type there first then copy and paste what I wrote into Zoho. This way if I do not have a good connection my work will still be saved. It does not tell you that you do not have a good connection and when you refresh the page your work has vanished. Happened to me on multiple occasions.
for one, Zoho is helping me and my colleagues stay on task. It is very helpful for keeping people on tract to meet a deadline as well. Before discovering Zoho people were missing deadlines right and left since we have so many deadlines its hard to keep track of them all without a software like this. Two, Zoho provides a place where we all can communicate together and helps us all be on the same page. Before Zoho, the only thing we used was emails and since there is so much communication going on important messages got lost in the inboxes.
Uno de los principales puntos a destacar de Zoho es que posee muchas herramientas a la hora de generar la planificacion de los proyectos. Es una herramienta facil de usar, muy dinamica en la generacion de informes, ademas de permitir priorizar las distintas tareas y poder realizar un mejor seguimientos de lo que se ha logrado hasta el momento. Adicionalmente, la opcion de poder utilizar la aplicacion en mi telefono, es otro punto a favor, ya que nos permite realizar el seguimiento de las tareas y el estado del proyecto desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. Otro punto a tener en consideracion, es la generacion de informes mediante diagramas, lo cual facilitan su analisis. Cuenta con una versión de prueba, en la cual podemos utilizar todas las herramientas, lo que nos permite evaluar mas a fondo esta aplicación.
Quizas es algo costoso en sus planes. Otro punto negativo puede ser la lentitud en la carga o descarga de datos, lo cual puede volverlo algo tedioso para el usuario final. La personalización de la aplicación es muy limitada.
Nos ha permitido generar proyectos y hacerles seguimiento a los mismos de manera rápida y sencilla, permitiendo ademas poder gestionar las tareas de manera eficaz y distribuirlo de manera eficiente entre los integrantes del equipo de trabajo.
The implementation of agile project management is simple to understand
Tool is not really adapted for ML projects
Makes simple the implemation of agile project
Es fácil aplicar Zoho sprint a la planificación de la organización, donde manejarmos proyectos no solo tecnológicos, sino también de marketing, ventas, recursos humandos, etc.
No se cuenta con un lugar donde se pueda ver las tareas en conjuntos, sin importar a qué proyecto pertenezcan, eso es importante para una planificación diaria más efectiva.
Definitivamente es muy amigable con el usuario utilizar la aplicación, esto ha ayudado a que miembros del equipo de acloplen más rápidamente a la herramienta y por tanto a la planificación.
Free plan. I have a very small team so it helps to have this to manage my sprints
Product is buggy and has few difficult interactions. Moved from Jira to Zoho and the transition is not simple
Managing sprints (Kanban)
Possibilidade de integração com plataforma de planejamento de projetos, agilizando a criação de tarefas, além de possibilidade de mensurar horas trabalhadas no projeto.
Dashboard com informações referentes à todas as tarefas criadas na lista de pendências, ao invés de apenas referente a sprint em aberto, dificultando a leitura do progresso.
Maior agilidade no registro de dados, anteriormente realizados de forma manual através de planilhas (dificuldade de padronização) e melhor visualização das informações.
It was custom designed for organizations that use agile (they have another project management tool for regular projects). If you use agile, you should definitely check it out. You can create sprints, track progress and basically do everything you need. Zoho's OneAuth tool is a delight to use (it is a secure, passwordless way to login).
If you have multiple simultaneos projects, tracking your tasks in all of them is difficult. You don't have a centralized "My tasks" section, so you have to enter each individual project and see your tasks there. Notifications are a pain. You get way too many emails, and some cannot be disabled. (You can create rules and filters in your inbox to deal with it though).
We had to adapt Asana for Agile, and while there is a way to do it. Haven a tool specifically designed for it makes everything smoother. (It is cheaper than Asana too).
the simplicity of the tool is really good. and eas of use even for the first timer
initial setup of the projects and sprints
we are trying to use Agile model for devleopment....so sprint is allowing us to map our internal PM process.
One of the best tracking and planning tool for work from the home team.
I am totaly satified with zoho sprints from last few months
Team management and task tracking
Zoho Sprints keeps our team organized and on top of all tasks.
There are no downsides to using Zoho Sprints for our team.
The benefits include greater transparency across projects.
Interface and Templates, easy to use and understand
Maybe need to have more options to customize the dashboard, but overall great
Easy way to maximize our employees performance and follow up