Impulsando más del 43% de todos los sitios web activos a nivel mundial, WordPress es posiblemente el CMS y creador de sitios web más popular y utilizado por empresas de todos los tamaños en todas las industrias, desde emprendedores independientes, nuevas empresas, pymes y grandes empresas de Fortune 500. Tanto los usuarios novatos sin conocimientos de codificación como los desarrolladores web con mucha experiencia pueden beneficiarse de WordPress' larga lista de funciones que incluyen plantillas listas para usar pero personalizables, miles de complementos y complementos fáciles de instalar, funcionalidades integradas y personalizadas, y funciones sólidas de administración de contenido. Altamente flexible, WordPress promete a sus usuarios que nunca superarán su sitio web creado en su ecosistema, ya que es fácilmente adaptable a medida que sus necesidades comerciales crecen y evolucionan. WordPress también se puede descargar como una aplicación y está disponible para usuarios de Android e iOS, lo que permite a los especialistas en marketing y creadores de contenido administrar sus sitios web en todos los dispositivos. WordPress es posiblemente uno de los creadores de sitios web más grandes de la actualidad. Con WordPress, los usuarios tienen la opción de utilizar su alojamiento web o instalar WordPress' hospedaje propio. Este último permite a los usuarios diseñar y crear su blog o tienda en línea y acceder al complemento Jetpack para mejorar el SEO, así como la seguridad y el análisis. Dependiendo de sus necesidades, es bastante fácil configurar su WordPress sitio, y mantenerlo es aún más simple en esta plataforma. También tiene la opción de instalar complementos de terceros para agregar más funciones a su sitio web y aumentar la funcionalidad. WordPress ofrece un plan gratuito para cualquiera que quiera probar el servicio primero, pero si desea suscribirse, los planes comienzan desde $ 4 por mes para el plan básico.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
Despliegue | Nube / SaaS / Basado en web, Android móvil, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil |
Soporte | 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico |
Formación | Documentación |
Idiomas | Inglés |
The free signup and its amazing high speed to upload and share anything one would like to share online without giving you problems or try to sell you something.
The limited use of the free end-user capability.
Being able to share and blog about my favorite topic all online for free and using the secure background of WordPress is great.
It allows me to create a flexible, professional website at very low cost.
I wish that themes were more flexible with color palette choices.
I am able to have a beautiful, professional site that presents all the information I want to share. I connected PayPal in order to sell services on my site. I use the blog, I embed videos, I link to social media and other connected sites.
It makes it so easy to manage clients' websites.
The plug ins can get a little confusing and cause problems if you're not a programmer
Being able to easiy manage the website without being a programmer
WordPress is the easiest CMS I've ever used.
Nothing, really. It's pretty explanatory.
It makes publishing to the web quick and easy.
I love that WordPress is a secure blogging site! I get notifications when I successfully sign in and post, which means no one could sign in without my knowledge! They also alert you when your website is under brute Force attack, and there are so many plugins to make blogging easier for you!
WordPress recently underwent a huge update and unfortunately it's not as functional as their old design. But you do have the option to revert back to the original layout!
Ranking on Google is a huge deal when you have a website! WordPress is the best site to host your blog! It basically does all the work for you when figuring out what you need to add to each blog post in order to rank higher (titles, keywords, alt-text)!
It’s very user friendly for setting up a site- the extensive choice of design templates are great and make your site look professional.
Sometimes inserting media can be tricky- for example, when inserting a photo, there are times when it appears that the dimensions are skewed in the editing phase but when it goes live it seems to resolve itself.
Helps promote my work and helps me to get business.
WordPress offers a simple interface so even the least tech-savvy of users can navigate. They make it seamless to create new posts/pages, upload media, and to install plugins.
What I dislike about WordPress is its inability to publish scheduled posts. I can't recall the term that was used when I researched why it wasn't posting, but if the site doesn't receive any traffic, scheduled posts do not publish.
We don't have any business problems that are being resolved by using WordPress, but we sure do experience the benefit of what it takes to brand our content.
Wordpress is a ease of use platform for building and maintaining your website. The WYSIWYG editor makes it easy for adding new blogs to your site and creating new web pages. Wordpress makes it easy if you are not a web designer or html coder.
The downside of using wordpress is when install 3rd party plugins it may conflict with other install plugins or disrupt the backend coding of the theme you are using causing parts of your site to crash.
I use wordpress for my business website. A great benefit is the sync with mailchimp, which helps me build my email list and create automated emails based on actions customers take on my website.
Wordpress has a wide range of solutions to our websites needs, while remaining an easy to use platform.
The only improvement I would like to see is a better undo feature. The history feature is a little buggy.
It is a major step up from our previous platform.
I need WordPress to build my website. It’s the only way to go to build and monitize Your site.
It’s a bit slow sometimes. The user interface can be improved and modernized.
I’m helping people to be better with their money
Easy to use. If you can use word you can use WordPress.
Buggy when you pick a font sometimes reverts to default font. I am not the admin so I am not sure if that is a setting that can be fixed with admin login.
Using for websites, easy to use for not highly technical users.
The ease of creation and ability to customize is great.
Could be modernized in design of platform itself.
Creation of new business websites
I love how it so easy to use and user friendly! It’s not complicated at all.
Sometimes it can be a little slow. Other than that I don’t have any negative comments.
I use Wordpress for writing my blog and for recipe creation. The benefits are that Wordpress makes it super simple to create blogs and recipes!
WordPress is the STANDARD in web-based website design. There are tons of templates, plugins, themes, and more that can get you started in a great spot.
Several times, WordPress has updated itself which has made my plugins stop working. It has even made one site completely stop working. I know there are tons of plug-ins and the developers should make sure they are compatible, but it makes it tough on the users when things like this happen.
I have created several websites for people and organizations using WordPress. The main benefit to me and the organization is that I can get them all set, and they can easily update and maintain the site on their own. Any MAJOR redesigns I would do, but if they wanted to change a name, phone number, add photos or other similar things, ANYONE with basic computer knowledge can pretty much do it.
I was first introduced to word press through an economics class in college. For each of our assignments, we had to write a blog post on a specific topic. I thought this was a very good way to organize your thoughts and see your classmates as well.
Nothing. I thought the whole process was smooth.
In my case, this made assignments less formal which i believe made students actually enjoy what they were doing. Many of my classmates continued to use WordPress for blogs for their own personal use.
WordPress is very simple for a beginner to use. It's very easy to update the look of a website with themes, and if you ever get stuck, there are a million answers online since so many people use WordPress.
If you don't know much about CSS you can get stuck trying to customize certain things. It should be assumed that if you don't know at least some basic coding, you'll require assistance at some point from someone who does.
Created a blog for entertainment in my area. I also use this at work for our corporate blog.
It's admin panel is so easy and flexible that i didn't take much time to get familiar with. Also i didn't need a developer to make the website for me, i made it by myself.
It's been over 2 years and nothing annoys me till now.
I have a news website, i publish articles on daily basis and with the help of WordPress i don't waste a minute maintaining the site or anything, it helped me a lot to only focus on writing the articles.
I use this provider for my website. It is extremely simple to use, intuitive, and compatible with many add-ons. I do not imagine that Wordpress did not exist.
There is nothing that I really dislike Wordpress. It may be somewhat limited for other purposes, but to have my blog is perfect.
I have not had problems with Wordpress. It has helped me upload my content easily, manage it and be able to control the visits to my site.
I've used WordPress to build and host a few websites over the last 10 years, and from someone with little coding/web design experience, they make it so easy! I love that there are a ton of free templates that I can choose from and customize. The price point levels are also great, allowing you to pick and choose which features you want like video streaming and merchant options.
.While there are a ton of templates for your website, the free options don't allow for you to customize where your feed/box/item will be placed on the page - at least none of the ones I've used or tried allow it. From mt understanding, there are templates you pay for and move around boxes or you can pay for WordPress to build the website for you, but that can be a little pricey if you're just starting out.
The biggest benefit I've seen is having the option to integrate Gmail into your site, this allows for a professional email address and makes your website that much more professional looking as well. This does cost extra, but if you have a few different departments or contributors, it's worth it.
It is easy to navigate and design professional looking sites.
Ads on the free version - but honestly what do you expect? A simple upgrade fee will get rid of this concern.
MY personal blog - and simple hosting solutions when starting out a new brand and their professional domain.