Weblfow permite a los dueños de negocios, empresarios, vendedores y creadores de contenido crear sitios web y publicar contenido utilizando todo el poder de HTML, Javascript y CSS en una forma completamente visual. canvas sin necesidad de codificación. Al combinar funciones de comercio electrónico, marketing, administración de contenido, animación y diseño en una sola plataforma, permite a los usuarios lanzar, administrar y promocionar sitios web y contenido en un tiempo de respuesta rápido y de una manera más rentable. Los usuarios tienen acceso a más de 1,000 plantillas junto con una gran cantidad de capacidades de marketing, como capacidad de respuesta móvil, optimización de motores de búsqueda, sincronización de CRM e integraciones útiles. Además de sus características de CBS, Webflow también está listo para el comercio electrónico y la monetización de contenido. También ofrece Webflow University, un repositorio de conocimiento completo de todo lo que los usuarios necesitan saber para maximizar la plataforma.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
Despliegue | Nube/SaaS/basado en web, Linux local |
Soporte | 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico |
Formación | Documentación |
Idiomas | Inglés |
El mundo de las herramientas low-code y sin código finalmente está comenzando a despegar. Más personas ahora tienen acceso a herramientas que ayudan a los creadores a dar vida a sus ideas, incluso con conocimientos limitados de codificación, y convertirlas en sitios web, aplicaciones y más funcionales.
Una de esas herramientas que lidera el paquete es Webflow, considerada en gran medida una de las mejores soluciones sin código disponibles en la actualidad. Entonces, ¿realmente está a la altura de las expectativas?
Vamos a averiguar.
Webflow es (entre otras cosas que veremos más adelante) un creador de sitios web sin código.
Permite a las personas sin experiencia en codificación crear sitios web hermosos e interactivos de forma rápida y (relativamente) fácil. Con solo unos pocos clics, arrastrar y soltar, puede tener un sitio web de aspecto profesional con todas las campanas y silbatos que pueda desear, desde pergaminos de paralaje hasta comercio electrónico y más.
Webflow es lo que se conoce como un "creador visual de sitios web”. Es un sistema que traduce los componentes básicos de los sitios web (HTML, CSS y JavaScript) en una interfaz visual de arrastrar y soltar que es más intuitiva para los principiantes.
Cuando crea un sitio web desde cero en Webflow, se le presenta un espacio en blanco canvas. Desde allí, puede arrastrar y soltar elementos para crear su sitio web: botones, imágenes, cuadros de texto, formularios... todo lo que necesite. También puede usar herramientas de diseño integradas para modificar el aspecto de su sitio web, agregar animaciones e interacciones o obtener una vista previa de su trabajo.
Cuando esté satisfecho con su diseño, simplemente haga clic en "publicar" y su sitio web se pondrá en marcha.
El diseñador es donde ocurre la magia, por así decirlo. Esta es la interfaz que usará para construir su sitio web desde cero, agregando elementos y personalizándolos a su gusto.
Para agregar elementos a sus páginas, vaya a la pestaña "Agregar" en la parte superior del menú de la izquierda y arrastre los que desee a la página. Encontrará un montón para elegir, que incluye (aunque no se limita a):
También puede agregar diseños de página preconstruidos como columnas, galerías, barras de navegación y listas de características desde esta pestaña, excelente para poner en marcha la estructura básica de su sitio web rápidamente.
Una vez que tenga los elementos en su lugar, puede hacer clic en ellos para usar las herramientas de Designer en el menú de la derecha para modificar su apariencia. Puede cambiar los colores de fondo, las fuentes, los bordes y más con solo unos pocos clics.
Cada elemento y configuración en Webflow's Designer se incluye en un encabezado que más o menos describe lo que es (o lo que hace), pero la gran cantidad de opciones aún puede ser intimidante para los principiantes. Afortunadamente, hay un tutorial decente que lo guía a través de los conceptos básicos cuando crea su primer sitio.
Las interacciones y las animaciones son pequeños detalles que añaden un tonelada de vida a su sitio web. En Webflow, puede usar interacciones para hacer casi cualquier cosa, incluso:
También puede utilizar una amplia variedad de disparadores para desencadenar estas interacciones, como el primer y segundo clic, el movimiento y el desplazamiento de la página. Estos disparadores, combinados con la amplia gama de acciones disponibles en Interacciones, hacen que Webflow se sienta súper poderoso, incluso para principiantes.
Agregar estas interacciones también es bastante simple. Simplemente haga clic en un elemento, haga clic en la pestaña "Interacciones" en la esquina superior derecha del menú de diseño, haga clic en el símbolo "+" y elija sus activadores y acciones. También hay una función útil aquí que optimizará su sitio web al eliminar las interacciones no utilizadas o conflictivas.
No todos los creadores de sitios web ofrecen un CMS, pero Webflow sí. Con un CMS (sistema de gestión de contenidos), puede crear y administrar contenido sin ningún código, lo cual es excelente para sitios web con mucho contenido, como blogs.
Para usar el CMS, solo necesita completar "Colecciones" (piense en ellas como categorías) con contenido en forma de "Elementos". Estos elementos pueden ser publicaciones de blog, productos en una tienda de comercio electrónico o cualquier otra cosa que se te ocurra.
Para cada elemento, puede vincular campos de datos que ayudan a Webflow a hacer que su contenido se ajuste a las estructuras que crea. Hay plantillas para tipos de contenido comunes como publicaciones de blog, que incluyen campos para autor, imagen principal, título y más.
Luego, cuando desee mostrar su contenido en el sitio, simplemente elija un elemento y vincúlelo con la Colección que desea mostrar. Por ejemplo, vincular una colección de "Publicación de blog" con el diseño de columnas es una manera fácil de crear un escaparate de publicación de blog.
Como sistema independiente (sin complementos ni complementos), la función de comercio electrónico de Webflow es decente, pero está lejos de ser la mejor.
Comenzando con lo bueno, la configuración es muy fácil. El sistema de comercio electrónico es esencialmente el mismo que el sistema CMS que cubrimos anteriormente. Comienza creando Colecciones para "Productos" y "Categorías" y llenando los Elementos dentro con miniaturas, fotos, puntos de precio, descripciones... cualquier punto de datos que necesite. Estos elementos y colecciones se pueden arrastrar y soltar donde sea necesario.
En términos de desventajas, Webflow Ecommerce adolece de falta de integraciones, inflexibilidad de la pasarela de pago y una interfaz de usuario torpe para ver pedidos y clientes. Estos se combinan para convertirlo en una mala elección para las empresas de comercio electrónico más grandes.
Por último, pero no menos importante, Webflow ofrece algunas herramientas útiles de SEO que vale la pena mencionar. Uno de los most útil es la capacidad de generar automáticamente metadatos utilizando campos de sus Colecciones CMS (por ejemplo, [Marca] | [Producto]). Esto le ahorrará un montón de tiempo si está publicando constantemente contenido nuevo dentro de una estructura existente.
También hay un sólido sistema de administración de redireccionamientos 301 que facilita la migración de URL y páginas web antiguas a nuevos hogares.
Finalmente, la función de auditoría del sitio puede ayudarlo a identificar y solucionar problemas comunes de SEO, como enlaces rotos, etiquetas alt faltantes y velocidad de carga deficiente.
Webflow se centra en el diseño y la estética. Es algo que la herramienta hace mucho mejor que la mayoría de sus competidores.
Solo mira el Hecho en flujo web página: los diseños allí son mucho más distintivos, dinámicos y únicos de lo que normalmente ve con los creadores de sitios web sin código. Eso es todo gracias a las impresionantes funciones de estilo visual de Webflow, como las interacciones mencionadas anteriormente.
Por supuesto, esto tiene el costo de la facilidad de uso para principiantes. Crear un sitio web atractivo es más difícil con Webflow que con herramientas más sencillas como Squarespace. Es solo que el techo creativo es más alto para aquellos que saben lo que están haciendo.
En una nota relacionada, Webflow es una de las plataformas de creación de sitios web mejor documentadas que existen.
Universidad de flujo web está lleno de lecciones, tutoriales y cursos completos que lo ayudan a aprender a usar la herramienta. También hay una comunidad de gran alcance de usuarios de Webflow en YouTube y Reddit que publican guías y responden preguntas con regularidad.
Y por último, pero no menos importante, hay toneladas de campos de entrenamiento y programas sin código que se enfocan en Webflow específicamente debido a la libertad de la que hablamos anteriormente. Entonces, para resumir, hay muchas opciones cuando se trata de aprender Webflow.
Una de las mayores ventajas de Webflow es que no requiere complementos ni complementos: es una plataforma independiente. Eso significa que no necesita preocuparse por problemas de compatibilidad, riesgos de seguridad de terceros o aprender un sistema completamente nuevo solo para agregar una función faltante.
Además, el sólido conjunto de funciones de la plataforma significa que no tiene que preocuparse por encontrarse con obstáculos en su proyecto. Todo está ahí... ¡si sabes dónde buscar!
El precio de Webflow depende de si desea crear un sitio web estándar o un sitio web habilitado para comercio electrónico.
Hay bastantes planes para ambos:
Para Agencias y Operadores | Desventajas |
Impresionante libertad de diseño y funcionalidad Diseño fácil de arrastrar y soltar La interfaz de usuario está bien señalizada Excelentes recursos educativos No hay necesidad de complementos o complementos Gran biblioteca de plantillas |
La pronunciada curva de aprendizaje puede asustar a algunos usuarios Precio más alto que las herramientas de la competencia. Las funciones de comercio electrónico están subdesarrolladas Las capacidades técnicas de SEO son limitadas |
Webflow es sin duda uno de los mejores creadores de sitios web sin código allí afuera. También es probable que sea el más completo, con características que van desde hosting al comercio electrónico. Sin embargo, este poder tiene un precio, a saber, una curva de aprendizaje empinada.
Si tienes curiosidad por el Alternativas de flujo web allí afuera, Findstack tiene tu espalda. Con revisiones detalladas, comparaciones de productos y casos de uso, Findstack hace que sea fácil encontrar las herramientas adecuadas para su negocio.
Comienza a navegar hoy ¡y encuentra la pila de tus sueños!
No code needed! I've designed a complete website without having to know code.
Naming all you elements can be a little tricky to keep track of.
Webflow has been a game-changer for my startup. It's incredibly user-friendly, allowing us to build and manage our website without needing to learn code. This has saved us a lot of time and resources that would have been spent on hiring developers or learning programming ourselves. One of the biggest benefits is the design flexibility. Unlike other website builders that offer limited customization, Webflow lets us create a unique website that really stands out and aligns with our brand identity. We've also been able to integrate essential features like forms directly into our website, which is vital for our sales and customer engagement. Plus, Webflow takes care of the technicalities like ensuring our site is responsive and optimized for different devices and search engines, which is crucial in today's mobile-first world. Another major plus is the platform's scalability. As our startup grows, I'm confident that our Webflow site can handle increased traffic and content without any performance issues. This scalability is critical for our expanding business needs. Lastly, the cost-effectiveness of Webflow cannot be overstated. It eliminates the need for external web developers, which is a significant saving for us as a startup operating with a tight budget. Overall, Webflow has provided us with an accessible, professional online presence that's integral to our business growth.
Easy to create, deploy and manage multiple sites and landing pages. Integrates natively or with some light work with a lot of tools, like Sales Force. You can get it up and running in no time, set up multiple levels of access: you can have a designer working on a page structure and a content editor solely for changing texts, images, etc. If you need a blog, Webflow has got your back. If you need to deploy multiple variations of a single page (changing slugs, pictures and texts, for example) you can do it with their robust CMS. There are some e-commerce integrations that I haven't used it yet, but it looks easy to implement and use.
Code editing on a singla page can be a bit slow, but I get it's not the produt goal. It would be nice to have some form of A/B testing, even as a paid add-on.
Webflow made it faster to design and deploy websites, blogs and landing pages across multiple business units. With a state of the art responsive design editor: I've used some other responsive editors, but not with the depth and possibilities Webflow offers.
Webflow is both accessible for non-developer and very complete/professional. Thanks to the many free ressources they provide, it's easy to take your first steps. There is always more to learn and an infinity of possibilties to create absolutely everything you have in mind. The community around Webflow keeps growing and is also very helpful to find inspiration and guidance.
Everything is great at the moment 🙂 Learning curve might need some patience for a beginner but also very pleasant.
A very up to date CMS in which I never been stuck on anything infeasible. UI/UX are nice and very accessible for non developer profile. Also performing very well on SEO/performance.
Design mode is really easy to use for someone who builds websites yet you can tweak everything and do custom if needed. Plus, you get editor mode as well. It is the best mix of a platform for those who want easier templated design and those who need to get in and dig into custom design. Simply put, it's fantastic. Customer support is top notch as well.
Not much to dislike. I wouldn't mind if they expanded some of the filtering/sorting options on the CMS component of their platform.
Besides my own nonprofit, I do website building for many small business and nonprofits and it makes building those sites speedy, yet fully customized to their needs.
It is technical and also super simple to use. The technical part allows us to be super precise and the simplicity allows multiple users to work on the project. Amazing!
According to us and our use, pricing plan is not ideal. Having to upgrade our package to fully work on the project (for 2 people max) is not the best user experience.
Being able to build an amazing website easily and with a lot of personalization. Without having to be a dev to finish properly the project. Templates are a great way to start.
Webflow's website designer and templates provide the highest levels of quality, flexibility, and professional design. It allows me to build more professional websites than using competing platforms, and I've tried many of them.
It takes time, and a lot of trial and error to understand how to work with Webflow's website designer, it's not as straightforward nor intuitive as with the competing platforms, however, the end results are absolutely worth it!
I'm using Webflow to design, and develop commercial websites (as a modern alternative to WordPress), and also to design, and develop UI screens for modern web applications (e.g., admin panels, dashboards, etc.).
For me, the best thing about Webflow is maintaining the logic of HTML and CSS in website development, while showing everything happening in real-time and visually. This allows for building and lauching websites much faster and simpler. Also the community is awesome.
Webflow still have some work to do regarding connecting with other platforms and some minor improvements.
The fact that Webflow doesn't require maintenance is fantastic. In addition to how easy it is to build and scale websites.
Webflow separates web design from content creation. It is so easy to change a web design and keep all the work of content. It seamlessly accesses it content database based on the web design. Working with marketing to create customized pages is quick and easy. Publishing content on demand fits in with agile methodologies.
Webflow has a learning curve but those from programming databases and/or HTML/CSS will be a quick learning curve.
Implement solution in hours not days or weeks. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, getting content online fast is the key to awareness and relevance. It's a dream come true for agile development. We work on the design while a content writer develops the content.
My favorite part about Webflow is that it still leans on HTML and CSS versus its competitors. This gives designers the most freedom without writing code
The downside to Webflow is when it comes to utilizing complex databases or anything more advanced than simple web pages it cannot facilitate those use cases.
Webflow allows designers to have total control over both the design and the development process. this allows for much more rapid updates and fixes.
Its so easy, the tutorials are so great, i learn a lot with webflow courses, and they are allways updating the platform with tool improvements to use. The figma plugin is the best
The expensive cost to a freelance, sometimes the platform have a delay to edit or publish the pages and a few bugs nothing critical. There are more good things than bad.
The response time to make a landing page, the easy use of the components and the CMS collections. Its been really helpful all the improvements they have and all the plugins.
Webflow is continuously updating their features to allow us to create better sites at a faster pace. They also have a support team that is always willing to help us, even on the occasion where it might not be something they would normally support :) Becoming a Webflow partner and now enterprise agency has been one of the best decisions we've ever made as a company. It's completely changed our lead flow and the community of users, clients, and developers couldn't be better.
The only thing I would say I dislike about Webflow is the ecommerce. We find ourselves shifting to Shopify or trying to utilizing third party integrations to build in Webflow and migrate to Shopify but it's not as seamless as I would like it to be. Once they allow a full integration with Shopify or amp their ecommerce game, there won't be another platform I'll recommend to a client or friend.
Webflow allows us to develop with a prebuilt template, template built using Relume's platform, and / or with a fully customized asset from a design platform like Figma, Adobe XD, etc. They allow us to do this better than other platforms and at a faster rate.
Its easier to be able to promote products, or services.
Sometimes its a bit complex to understand how to fully build the site but its learning and going
As a restaurant group our focus is to draw reservations, and webflow helps with allowing user to easily make reservations
TLDR : Webflow has revolutionized the way we approach web development. As a specialized agency in Webflow website development, we can't help but sing praises for this incredible platform! What we like best about Webflow is the unparalleled power it puts in the hands of designers and developers alike. First and foremost, the Webflow Designer is a true gem! Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface coupled with the ability to customize every aspect of the design gives us unparalleled creative freedom. We can easily bring our wildest design ideas to life without being limited by templates or pre-defined styles. The Designer empowers us to craft pixel-perfect, responsive websites that truly stand out in today's competitive digital landscape. Moreover, the integration of a robust Content Management System (CMS) within Webflow is a game-changer. It allows our clients to effortlessly update and manage their website content without any technical knowledge. The user-friendly interface of the CMS makes content editing a breeze, saving time and reducing maintenance costs for our clients. Another highlight is the seamless hosting and publishing process. Webflow's hosting service is reliable and ensures that our websites load quickly, enhancing the overall user experience. The ability to connect custom domains effortlessly is a huge advantage, giving our clients a professional online presence. We also appreciate the extensive collection of pre-built components, interactions, and templates available in the Webflow community. These resources significantly speed up our development process, allowing us to deliver exceptional websites to our clients within tight deadlines.
While Webflow has been our go-to platform for website development, we did notice a minor setback in its progress during a few months in the past. There seemed to be a delay in releasing new features, which left us eagerly anticipating some exciting additions. However, we are thrilled to share that since the beginning of 2023, Webflow has regained its momentum, and the situation has taken a positive turn. The platform has come back stronger than ever, delivering a wave of much-awaited updates and enhancements.
Create a high quality website without writing code! Webflow's solutions have significantly simplified and improved our web development process. From design flexibility to client empowerment, the platform's benefits are evident in our ability to create exceptional websites efficiently and effectively.
Design to Dev is epic and seamless + Animations are on point! Not restricted to templates + Active community (both from Webflow and from users) EASE OF USE Continuous Updates
Some features might be missing here or there, but works in 90%+ cases.
Hi-fidelity design + animation fast. Quality + Quickness. Pretty deadly for most clients.
I love how easy to use it and that it offers a lot of flexibility for designing web pages. I also appreciate that it has a backup function to easily view previous saved versions.
My only dislike would be how only 1 person can have full editing functions as oppose to allowing multiple people to edit the same website at the same time.
Webflow allows us to quickly build multiple websites for all our restuarants without the need for coding expertise. This solves the problem of technical barriers and helps us create professional-looking websites effortlessly.
The ability to clone from other website templates. This allows me to jump straight into the design process and not feel insecure when I was first starting with web editing, and maintaining websites. I enjoy best Webflow's thoughtful integrations such as Figma, which allows us to collaborate best wiht varied workflows and freelancers that design for our team. I also enjoy the easy to use SEO Settings in Webflow!
I do feel that I still have mltiple roadblocks with webflow when in integrating and coding animations. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes in only one view, and other times they break after a few days. I'm unsure if this problem will persist, but I am willing to learn more about Webflow's code and animation workarounds in order to best work with the software.
Webflow allows us to host and design multiple websites and landing pages within one portal. While we host a number of brands in our portfolio, we value flexibility in design, and Webflow allows us to be both flexible in design as well in our storage/mantainance capabilities of all pages.
As the owner of a web design agency, I've had the opportunity to work with many different web design tools, but Webflow has taken the top spot for me. Its user-friendly interface, along with the robust and flexible design capabilities, are my favorite things about it. Webflow allows us to create unique, custom, and responsive designs —often without having to write a single line of code. The visual interface is intuitive and allows us to easily manipulate every aspect of the site, from layout to typography to animation. What's more, it produces clean, semantic code that's highly respected by web standards. Lastly, the collaboration aspect has been invaluable for us. Webflow's ability to let our clients directly edit content on the page or leave comments allows for seamless communication, making revisions and updates much smoother and faster.
The learning curve for Webflow can be steeper compared to other website builders. While it’s more flexible and powerful, it's not as easy to pick up for beginners or clients who wish to take over their own site maintenance.
Bridging the Gap Between Design and Development: Traditional website creation involves a separate design and coding phase. Often, designers create mock-ups that developers then have to interpret and code, which can lead to communication gaps and deviations from the original design. With Webflow, we can directly transform our designs into a fully functional, responsive website. This has helped us reduce miscommunication and speed up the project delivery time. Content Management System (CMS): Many clients want the ability to manage their website content independently post-launch. Webflow's CMS is user-friendly, allowing non-technical clients to update content without the fear of breaking the website design. This empowers our clients and reduces our time spent on minor updates. Reduction in Development Time: Webflow's visual interface, pre-built components, and templating capabilities mean we can deliver websites faster. This not only benefits our clients in terms of faster delivery times, but also increases our agency's productivity and ability to handle more projects. Client Collaboration: Webflow’s Editor allows our clients to participate directly in the design process, leave comments, or make minor changes. This has improved our feedback loop and reduced the back-and-forth emails often associated with revisions. In summary, Webflow has brought efficiency, flexibility, and a greater degree of collaboration to our web design process. This has led to higher productivity, happier clients, and an overall positive impact on our business.
The best part about webflow is how easy it is use the UI and create amazing websites without any previous knowledge of HTML, CSS and Java Script.
I cant think of anything important but, i guess unable to add animation to text border is my only dislike right now
The most important problem that webflow is solving for me is able to hire anyone for the web development work and able to easily train them without them having any previous knowledge of web development.
Webflow is the ultimate combination of customization and visual interface that has allowed myself to build a business of building highly custom websites. Webflow is not just for making websites, it is a tool to help brands scale and grow without depending on too many engineers!
Since it's not a fully custom solution, there are going to be some limitations. Usually we find ways around them. That stated, I'd rather use Webflow then code the entire thing.
We have clients who want highly custom sites, and Webflow is the best tool we know to solve this problem.
It feels familiar to many drag and drop builders I've used, but the possibilities are much less limited.
Their hosting. I can't use Webflow at work, because we have a bulk hosting package that we sell.
I like the technical and creative capabilities