anteriormente GSuite, Google Workspace es una plataforma de alojamiento de correo electrónico preferida para cualquiera que ya esté usando e invirtiendo en el ecosistema de Google. Google Workspace ofrece una gama de características fantásticas para empresas de todos los tamaños y ofrece la ventaja de ser una opción familiar para muchos usuarios. Y tener tu dominio es tan sencillo como darte de alta en el servicio. A partir de ahí, se le proporciona su dominio para que pueda marcar todos sus mensajes de correo electrónico.sages y acceda a las sólidas integraciones de la plataforma.
Segmento |
Despliegue | Nube/SaaS/basado en web, Chromebook de escritorio, Mac de escritorio, Windows de escritorio, Android móvil, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil |
Soporte | 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico |
Formación | Documentación |
Idiomas | Inglés |
I love that we can share communications with one another and be able to chat about things without leaving the platform.
I wish we could leave notes on communications and tag one another on items.
It helps us be able to handle the communocations that come through in a timely manner and helps to keep us organized.
Spread across multiple pages. Short and easy to use
Navigation is super easy and it's very easy to collect information.
Easy to collect responses.
As ferramentas do google meet no workspaces deixam as reuniões mais participativas. Recursos de compartilhamento de documentos também são bem interessantes. Ele é mais intuitivo do que o office
A facilidade para deixar de compartilhar documentos poderia ser maior. Precisa entrar em muitos menus. Ter um de/para de funções do excel também seria interessante
Compartilhar documentos de forma fácil e segura. Reuniões mais interativas e com opções de enquete e levantar a mão. Google Sites concentrando informações importantes da companhia como um hub de conhecimento
Google Workspace offers a gamut of office productivity tools from video conferencing, creating forms, document sharing, and setting calendar events online.
They already disable meeting recording inside Google Meet. This should always be enabled for an educational institution for free.
Collaboration between teams in sharing and editing documents is perfect. You can easily control who can see and edit your document.
Google workspace is an awesome tool! I have enjoyed being able to manage the administrative aspects of my work, but also the analytics side with one login. Being able to access the power of gmail, gcal, and the gcp console with one account is great.
Workspace does not have a great competitor for slack or teams.
Workspace ties all of my product needs together under one managed account. Integrations with external products like slack and lattice are seamless. I have been very impressed.
Google workspace is an excellent platform that provides overall solutions for various needs in the organization. It is a cloud-based suite providing endless features for businesses and consumers. The best part is that it is extremely user-friendly and hassle-free. It is super easy to share files and documents with the team. Collaboration with coworkers is amazing with this platform. Working offline is also a great feature of the platform, the work syncs when you go online. The platform integrates with almost everything. It is a great choice for remote and online work.
I have been using it for a long time now and haven't faced any big issues on the platform. Google meet could have more options and features. The customer support needs a bit of a work. Other than this the platform is amazing.
Google workspace solves all our problems. I use it every day for setting up meetings, to stay connected with our clients as well as team members, and for sharing and storing files. It offers a collaborative workspace which is great for us since we work together and make efficient contributions. The google chat feature is one of the best. Also, I can access the platform from anywhere, anytime which makes my work very easy and convenient. Overall I love the platform and it is helping us tackle a lot of business needs in the organization.
Cloud-based everything. Having my business tools through workspace anywhere I want, anywhere in the world at any time is reallllllllllll helpful.
Other than the learning curve everyone has when they inevitably switch from MS365 to Google, everything has been great.
It's solving the problem of allowing a remote team to be able to communicate and collaborate in real-time across apps and functions
I like I can study the market by just making a survey. I appreciate that is easy to use and i can send it to everyone.
i dislike sometime isnt working well. The survey gets stuck and I find it difficult to retrieve it.
Google Surveys is solving the problem to make a market study. With this page i can just send my survey to everyone and make my own markeet study.
Gmail and Calendar are what I like best. Integration with a range of apps as well as mobile sync make these tools very useful for day to day productivity
Storage limitations for free tier can become noticeable - it'd be nice if there was more storage given in the free tier.
Day-to-day productivity - things like planning meetings, events, communication, etc. The integration of tools in the workspace platform greatly enhance my productivity
The best thing about Google workspace is that u are provided with all the essential software needed for a firm to interact and function in its day-to-day operations. From mails to saving dates in calendars and having meetings in Google Meet, the Google workspace has all of it covered. The easy availability and ease of use for the customers make Google's Workspace and all of its components the most trustworthy.
Honestly speaking there is nothing as such that can be disliked about Google's Workspace. Each and every product comprising the workspace has its own significance and importance in any setup it is being used.
Google's Workspace provides us with a one-stop solution for all our daily needs that arises in an organization. From sharing documents and spreadsheets to working on some PowerPoint using the sharing feature. It provides us with adequate cloud storage in their drive. Also, the calendar keeps a tab of our all assignments and meetings and makes sure that we are notified well and on time always. All these products of the workspace have made working more hassle-free and user firendly.
O Workspace é um local destinado a organização de diversas tarefas, por lá eu consigo organizar minha agenda, ter meus aquivos compartilhados com o restante da empresa, consigo criar documentos que ficam armazenados no Drive. Além de ser um espaço seguro e intutivo. Além disso, o e-mail utilizado é primordial para a comunicação.
Acredito que se a gente pudesse ter mais ferramentas integradas ao Google Workspace, seria muito mais vantajoso para todos os colaboradores do will bank. .
São diversas finalidades, mas uma das princpais é o compartilhamento de arquivos e a integração com a agenda de todos os colaboradores. Isso facilita e otimiza o tempo no trabalho. Com a pademia foi necessário adpatarmos às reuniões onlines e a ferramente tem contribuindo muito, principalmente o Meet, já que é por lá todas as nossas reuniões.
The clean UI look and very intuitive. Easybto work with. Easy to share
There's nothing much to dislike about.need a Google account
People don't usually give surveys. But nowadays everyone has a Google account and Because of very user friendly ui people are taking part more than ever.
Gosto muito de ter várias ferramentas em uma só plataforma. Isso me ajuda muito no trabalho.
Ainda não encontrei algo ruim no Google Workspace.
Me ajuda a organizar planilhas no Planilhas, criar documentos do Docs, criar formulários pra minha equipe, uso o gmail pra me comunicar no trabalho.
The quick service to access the world. The best way to send or receive your messages with Google workspace. You can chat, talk, meet on Google workspace. Connect with World with one Google workspace I'd.
Nothing i wouldn't any dislike for Google workspace.
We communicate with our team globally with this application and one single I'd.We deals with our files on this via securely system. I can say our whole communication is done globally by this application. We booked meeting on calendar, we booked rooms, online meeting on calendar.
It integrates with just about anything. All the tools I use in my day to day can be integreated and have Google Workspace talk to back and forth. I love that I can have my Calendar open, make a presentation, create a proposal (docs/sheets) and do all I need to do to get my work done.
nothing, I literally can't think of anything at the moment that I dislike. Like I mentioneed in my previous comment it takes care of all my needs and helps me stay organized.
Google workspace makes it simple for me to work. It covers all aspects of my day to day to give me visibility, give me the functionality to perform certain work tasks and make it, and streamlines all my processes.
1. Google had this unique feature of having all its apps easily accessable under the same window. 2. All the apps are by default having auto backup feature (can also be disabled) while online even after getiing offlice. 3. Most important tool or app is the Google Mail (Gmail) we use on a daily basis. Then comes Drive, Meet, Sheets, Docs, Chat and so on. 4. Comparing to it's only level competitor (Microsoft), it provides same apps and features but the interface is very complicated to a new user.
1. Major issue with Google Products is it's offline availabilty of useful apps. 2. Google Meet's presentation audio mostly doesn't work in all systems whose cause needs to be mentioned to the user. 3. Google should look into corporate needs and work on their requirements to serve them better experience. 4. Comparing with competitor Google needs work on its offline office apps.
1. The data is stored in the server so there's no issue of get lost. 2. Products are very much value for money. 3. Most of the time we are online but in certain times we can't access the files without internet. 4. In terms of business point of view all the work gets stored in the server with serveral access to users which is very much time saving.
I like Google Workspace's integrations, both within its own products and with other companies' products
Google's support articles are often unhelpful and even outdated in many cases
It helps me store files, send professional emails, calendar, and work in a secure environment
Files and email management is very quick n easy
Sometimes it doesn't work properly. Takes time to fetch email on mobile app
Connecting people in company environment
possibility to sync with any device, at any moment. Easy to set up on mobile, easy to share files across platforms and OS. Flexible and integrated within Gmail.
Nothing at all, exception made for few integrations for specific file formats (without installing external modules)
Sharing files, keeping all my personal and working files up to date and synced across devices
Easy sharing and accessibility from all over the world. The opportunity to work from any computer only by logging in to my Google account.
The lack of Formula help windows in Google Sheets. Losing formatting in Gmail when you paste a text. Not the best integration of Gmail with external mail clients.
Working simultaneously in the same file. Easy sharing. Keeping the same links no matter the location. It makes it easy to share info and large files with clients and external providers.