FreshBooks es un software de contabilidad basado en la nube preferido por numerosas pequeñas y medianas empresas por su capacidad para administrar y optimizar las finanzas fácilmente. Las funciones principales incluyen seguimiento y facturación costosos, y también ayuda a mejorar la transparencia operativa a través de funciones de informes y seguimiento de tiempo.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
Despliegue | Nube/SaaS/basado en web, Mac de escritorio, Windows de escritorio, Android móvil, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil, Linux local |
Formación | Documentación |
Idiomas | Inglés |
The customer service is honestly next level. I love that when I call, I always have someone who is willing to answer any question I have! That's #1 priority for me, is someone can teach me how to use this platform, so I don't feel like I'm confused on what I'm doing, especially when it comes to invoicing clients on a daily basis. I also love that I have an account manager for my company, so I can call someone when I have issues.
I'm not crazy about the lack of communication between Freshbooks and WePay.When I've had problems with WePay, I feel like Freshbooks doesn't understand exactly how to communicate that with Freshbooks. I had an issue with a client charging back thousands of dollars, and calling Freshbooks, they were unable to tell me what the order of operations should be and what I needed to do to recoup the money, I ended up doing a lot of back and forth. I would also say I'd like to
I've gotten a decrease in credit card fees, and saving money is problem #1 it solves for credit card fees. That's the biggest one for me. Increased credit limits are another reason why I'm excited about this, because I do have a lot of money to float each month to contractors and sometimes the clients take their time to pay!
I can quickly create and track invoices. It keeps my bookkeeping more organized and it allows me to collect my money in a timely manner. By increasing my cash flow it allows me to concentrate on business growth and deal with the other day to day problems a small business faces. I am highly impressed with the customer service personnel of Freshbooks. Other companies will force you to hold for long periods of time. Freshbooks is very good about answering the phone and answering questions with very strong follow-up actions.
I would like the ability to do a dollar off amount in the discount field. Also, we desperately need a "Service Address" field. If you could make that a feature it would help as we do a lot of property management jobs and they require this on the invoice. They also prefer to have this information at the top of the invoice so that they can quickly locate the information and charge our services to the right property. I also keep having repeated problems with the connections to my bank. The expenses are not updating.
Able to quickly create and track status of invoices. The enhanced search features recently added to the invoice search is a very good thing! I am able to tell who has paid and who has not paid which affects the bottom line of my business. I can also easily collect money via ACH which is important as it is less expensive than using credit cards. This puts more money in my pocket rather than the pocket of the bank.
I use FreshBooks to track time and expenses for a side freelance business and I don’t have a lot of time to manage books. This is easy to use and the mobile app helps me stay up to speed wherever I go.
The only thing I can think of is that for tax purposes, I would expect that as user-friendly a tool this is to have a link to click and download a report or the ability to connect it to my accounting software.
No issues at all, and I’ve saved a lot of time because using FreshBooks had me up and running in minutes.
Very responsive support. I've made a few feature requests and some have actually been implemented.
Still lacking some advanced sorting features and an occasional bug here or there but they all seem to be in the process of being fixed.
Great value for the money and a very powerful way of keeping our business on track.
Streamlines accounting and keeps book keeping efficient.
I can’t use multiple currencies for my expenses. I have bank accounts in two countries but the software can only track one currency. So outside of having two separate accounts, I have had to create separate categories for my Canadian expenses which makes double the amount of work. Also, their chronic issues with my bank has meant that my accounts weren’t synching for months resulting in me having to upload all the files, creating so much frustration and extra work. I sometimes wonder why I still use it. But I’m Canadian and support local business.
I like that it’s a Canadian company. That’s a benefit. Categorizing expenses and creating invoices is really what I use most.
It's super intuitive, and very, very easy to use. I was able to get up and running in five minutes and didn't need any training. Also, it's pretty darn affordable. I am the only one that handles billing, and it's not my full time job, so I like being able to log in and get an instant pulse on where we are in terms of what's been billed vs what's been paid, and who is late beyond the grace period. It doesn't have a ton of bells and whistles, but I like that, I'm not paying for anything fancy, I'm paying for SMB billing and invoicing software that's simple, effective, and integrates with my financial services.
Strongly dislike that every single screen that features an invoice offers to give me a loan. I think loans have their place, but i wish a product for invoicing for SMBs and freelancers didn't try and shove loans down users throats on almost every screen. The mobile app is just not great. It's okay, but not great. The charts on it are often off/lagging/using old data.
Freshbooks makes me never have to worry about billing/late payments/status of payment. There's times where if i didn't have freshbooks, i would have spent hours figuring out what clients owed me what payments. Freshbooks has my back, and has saved me hours.
Invoicing is super easy, I like that I can customize the invoice look and colors. Once an invoice is sent, the use of auto reminders is a really efficient way for clients to be kept accountable to their vendors
It would be nice if you could do a more customized version of the proposal tool. I don't use the auto-pay feature in the invoicing because the fee that is tacked on is a little too high.
I do not like to deal with accounting. Quickbooks looks like something that was going to take a lot of time to learn. Freshbooks is really easy.
I like how easy it is to create and send invoices and accept payments.
I wish it would recognize duplicate expenses better (same expense paid via PayPal and also shows via my bank account). Better AI for categorizing expenses, especially if I have already categorized that recurring expense before.
Not needing to hire an accountant for my business. I'm able to get paid in a timely manner. Able to easily see how much money is coming in and going out. I use the reports to help figure out my taxes.
I like how easy it is to search for customers and their invoices, estimates, etc. I also like the ease of copying invoices and estimates to create new ones.
With the updated version it's no longer possible to copy rows of invoices/their info to copy into a spreadsheet.
We've been a Freshbooks customer for about 7 years and would not be interested in search for a "better" solution. We like it!
I love seeing the overview of my income and invoices, the ability to easily attach receipts to expenses, how I can track different types of projects, how I can categorize for taxes, and how it makes me a better businesswoman.
I find the "reoccurring" expense ability to be moot - instead of recognizing that an expense is reoccurring, it just shows up as a duplicate.
I can track my invoices a lot easier and send follow up reminders for payment.
I like that the platform is user friendly and intuitive and that it's kind of fun to input information. It's not all boxy or formal like other accounting platforms and it's super easy to find tabs for what you need.
I wish it were a little less expensive. It seems kinda steep for a monthly price.
day to day bookkeeping, keeping my finances and budget straight and keeping my money organized for when it's tax time with my accountant.
User-friendly Interface, comprehensive reports, assigning tasks and paying directly from the application invoices with credit card. These are briefly the most useful features that helped us keep track of the complex projects we manage.
Limited inventory management tools became problematic when we had to manage a lot of inventory. We had to use some additional folders.
Tracking and managing invoices, including time tracking, tasks, rates, billable status, tax reports, client-side reports and revenue. We manage to keep our projects flow without stress and confusion. The main benefit of course is time saving, but also this nice flow when we can get things done before the deadline.
I appreciate that FreshBooks helps keep me organized - especially at tax time.
Recently, the interface changed and that's taking a bit of time to adjust to.
Reports, like total revenue, total tax, total expenses, are easy to generate and print. I am much more organized about getting paid and getting my taxes done on time thanks to FreshBooks.
For a soloprenuer that needs a feature rich, flexible software, Freshbooks is a great choice. The different pricing tiers - depending on how many customers you have - is great for scaling your accounting as your business expands.
I've had a little trouble getting into some of the more advanced features. It's taken some time and research to figure out what they are. I wish there was stronger onboarding support. The lengthy URLs for each invoice are also kind of frustrating (when you do a "create sharable link).
The biggest business problem that I've solved is efficient invoicing. Previously, I used word docs that took forever to put together and didn't always look professional. Tracking down payments was also frustrating - here, I can see with just a click if they've been viewed or paid. It's cut down the time I spend on invoicing and helped me get paid faster.
I love that Freshbooks offers a 30 day free trial to first time users. This is important because not all accounting software is equally applicable across industries. The complete ease of set up was crucial when our company needed a quick fix to invoicing issues with our antiquated hardware and installed system. Since Freshbooks is cloud based, we can send from anywhere, anytime. I chose Freshbooks after my research indicated that we could upload images, which is a great and important feature for our unique needs.
While I enrolled with Freshbooks for the image upload feature, I learned that it is only available to be utilized when creating proposals. I hoped to use this feature on invoices or at least, estimates. While we are a graphics company, we also manufacture and produce goods. When a client has approved a design and is ready to order, it's important for the invoice to reflect that they agree to pay for any given mock up or print proof provided. Freshbooks also does not have a feature that allows us to add items with set pricing; each time an invoice is created, the last price and item description is all that is remembered. We need to be able to easily add listed items that always have the same price, with the same item description, then adjust as necessary instead of re-writing each item description and price. This costs us more time than it should. For this reason, Freshbooks would work best in a graphics only or service only based business where each invoice is completely personalized to it's project.
Generating proposals with the ability to upload images is a favorite feature. Customers can now accept estimates and proposals after viewing the invoice which leaves a virtual paper trail. No more quibbling over what was agreed upon.
The invoices are easy to create and send. I like being able to drag a photo of a receipt in to document expenses.
I wish I could set up a way for clients to pay a refundable deposit. Also, the new version does not let us accept payments through Braintree or PayPal. It also does not allow for us to not accept American Express.
Having everything in the cloud makes it easy to access from multiple devices. It allows me to send invoices and keep track of expenses anywhere I am.
The best is setting up the account and being able to link invoices to accounting. It makes accounting and bookkeeping easy even if that(accounting) is not your specialty. The system allows for multiple functions of accounting and I really like that multiple users can use the system to keep bookkeeping straight.
Dislike that there is no offline version that can will sync up when you're back online - in app not web version.
bookkeeping and accounting services but a big plus is invoicing linked to bookkeeping.
I like the fact that anybody can use FreshBooks and the way it streamlines the process of tracking time spent on various projects for various clients is all I ever wanted in accounting software
Too many things to learn before one can master how to use FreshBooks to the maximum.
I used FreshBooks to create and manage payments.
Easy to use, not expensive, cloud based.
I would like it to have many more features.
The benefit is that is easy to use and cloud based.
FreshBooks makes it easy to send out professional-looking invoices and keep track of payments from clients.
Some of the preset parameters for customizing your invoice template are very limited.
FreshBooks has been an integral part of running my business as an independent consultant. It monitors invoice aging, allows me to enter business expenses, and provides year-to-date summaries for a convenient overview and ease in accounting.