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Logotipo de Adobe XD
Adobe XD
Diseñe y cree prototipos sin esfuerzo
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Reseñas de Adobe XD y detalles del producto

Descripción general de Adobe XD
¿Qué es Adobe XD?

Adobe XD es una plataforma avanzada de diseño de UI y UX que se puede utilizar para crear todo, desde aplicaciones hasta sitios web. La herramienta es popular entre los desarrolladores por crear y colaborar en wireframes, prototipos y maquetas. Una plataforma es un software basado en vectores que está destinado a convertir imágenes planas en representaciones 3D y crear experiencias de realidad virtual aumentada. También ofrece acceso a funciones como cuadrículas de repetición, complementos y extensiones.

Compañía Adobe
Año de fundación 1982
Tamaño de la compañía Empleados de 10,001 +
Sede Principal San José, California (Estados Unidos)
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Haga preguntas sobre Adobe XD
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¿Cómo se compara Adobe XD con Adobe Bridge?
¿Cuáles son los pros y los contras de Adobe XD?
Detalles del producto Adobe XD
Pequeña Empresa
Mercado medio
Despliegue Nube/SaaS/basado en web, escritorio Mac, escritorio Windows, Linux local
Soporte 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico
Formación Documentación
Idiomas Inglés
Pros y contras de Adobe XD
  • 'Adobe XD cuenta con una interfaz funcional y bien presentada
  • La creación de prototipos es sencilla (para aquellos con experiencia): no requiere complementos o servicios adicionales.
  • La colaboración / coedición está disponible para que pueda compartir archivos para revisarlos y trabajar juntos en tiempo real.
  • Puede ver prototipos en su teléfono y abrir archivos de otros productos de Adobe. 
  • Aunque XD viene con herramientas de ilustración; no puedes dibujar formas personalizadas
  • Aunque XD se actualiza constantemente, aunque estos brindan a los usuarios excelentes funciones, las cosas cambian constantemente, lo que puede ser molesto. Además, estas actualizaciones a veces vienen con errores. 
  • Si aún no tiene un plan 'Creative Cloud', tendrá que pagar un costo mensual para obtener el uso completo de las funciones.
Funciones de Adobe XD
Acceso a la API
Controles de acceso / permisos
Panel de actividad
Flujo de trabajo de aprobación
Categorización de activos
Pista de auditoría
Procesamiento por lotes
Almacenamiento en la nube
Herramientas de colaboración
Biblioteca de contenidos Setupad
Publicación de contenido
Marca personalizable
Importación / Exportación de datos
Interfaz de arrastrar y soltar
Detección Duplicada
Conversión de archivos
Vista previa del documento
Edición de imagen
Manejo de Metadatos
Acceso Móvil  
Informes y análisis
Gestión de Derechos
Permisos basados ​​en roles
Filtro de búsqueda
Etiquetas / Palabras clave
Integraciones de terceros
Gestión de usuarios
Control de versiones
marcas de agua
Automatización del flujo de trabajo
Adobe XD Medios
AdobeXD 0
AdobeXD 1
AdobeXD 2
AdobeXD 3
AdobeXD 4
Capturas de pantalla de Adobe XD
Exención de responsabilidad
Nuestra investigación está seleccionada a partir de diversas fuentes autorizadas y está destinada a ofrecer asesoramiento general. No garantizamos que nuestras sugerencias funcionen mejor para cada caso de uso, así que considere sus necesidades únicas al elegir productos y servicios. Siéntete libre de compartir tu realimentación.
Última actualización: Febrero 10, 2025
Logotipo de Adobe XD
241 Adobe XD Opiniones
4.3 de 5
Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
29 de jul, 2019
Clasificación general:
Christopher R.
Desarrollo de Gerentes
"Diseñarlo antes de desarrollarlo"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

In the experience that I have obtained making muckups for web applications and mobile applications with Adobe XD, I can highlight the great operation and the great advantage of being able to frame all the design of an application, until I reach the point of linking the views to evaluate navigation without the need to program if a single line of code. This helps me to make the process of designing and developing an application more efficient by organizing the idea of what is desired better.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

I still consider that the modeling of the views and the link need to mature at the operational level to achieve a balance between design and functional characteristics in the views.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

It helps to design and analyze the layouts of the entire application without the need to know any language programming.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
21 de jul, 2019
Clasificación general:
Lasha M.
Desarrollador de software
"Fácil, Potente, Definitivamente el Mejor"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Even though I'm a backend developer, I've had my share of experience with frontend development and UI/UX design when I was younger and just starting out. Back then something like Adobe XD was just a dream, a futuristic dream that nobody thought could one day be real. However, here we are! I primarily used Adobe Photoshop for UI/UX design but couple years ago when I needed to create UI for my project I found Adobe XD and my life has never been the same since then. With it's ease of use and simple yet beautiful UI I can finish the job almost effortlessly. The feature I like the most is prototyping. Live preview helps me see the end result of my project and also share it with my team members or your customer if you are designing for someone else. It is very simple to use, flip to prototype mode and drag and link elements to each other. Besides prototyping and live preview, Adobe XD is rich with useful features like Grid repeating which helps you avoid copy/pasting elements every time you need to re-use something. You can also save assets like colors, character styles, components and basically things you might need to re-use during development. Adobe XD is a dream come true for UI/UX developers.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

There are not a lot of things I dislike about Adobe XD but one I can't ignore is that there are a lot of features needed which are either in development or introduced but not good enough for use. Other than that I can't say much. I've completely gone from using Photoshop because XD is so rich in features, light weight and scalable on large projects.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

I'm the only one with UI/UX experience in my team so I used Adobe XD to develop UI for the project. I can guarantee that using XD over Photoshop will save your time, lead to a better product and make the visualization easier and time efficient for you and your team members.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
28 de marzo, 2019
Clasificación general:
Ruche P. avatar
Ruche P.
Terapeuta de radiación registrado
"¡¡¡Adobe XD es increíble!!!"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Adobe XD is the new kid on the block and though it's relatively new to the game, it gives a mean punch. I like how it has everything I could ever need in a UI/UX Design project all into one tool. The design and prototype tool tabs are simply amazing and the concept is very nice. I also like the new Auto-Animate feature, which instantly animates something without me putting alot of effort into it.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

I dislike how it does not yet have the collaboration tool like some of the other UI/UX Design software like Figma and it's one of the only reasons why a lot of users are not trying to make the switch to Adobe XD, however, it still has the sharing capabilities which are still very strong and i'm sure, the Adobe team is working hard to catch up.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

I am on a team at a non-profit charities organization where we are constanly making Visual interfaces for our year round projects for humanitarian efforts. For example making websites and apps for walkathons, health fairs, blood drives, etc. And I've realized how quickly I been able to make interfaces with XD.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
26 de marzo, 2019
Clasificación general:
Urvesh P.
Diseñados independiente
"Mi revisión de Adobe XD"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

I like how it's all in one place for my UI/UX Design. Prototype and Design tools, all in one. I don't have to switch around multiple apps. I can easily share files online with the share tool and its amazing- though it can still be alot more. The best feature I have fallen in love with is the Auto Animate tool. I can easily prototype and give amazing animation effects with just a few clicks.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

I dislike how there isn't an online collaboration tool with this software. Something like Figma where I can send it to stakeholders for review and they can tell me through the online version, some critiques. I also dislike how the power behind the plugins not on par with some of the other tools in UI/UX Design. It could still use a little more.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

I'm helping to make products whether they be mobile, desktop, or computer. Also helping to solving complex business problems and making refining the user experience. Another thing is increasing audience retention with the events that happen on an annual basis.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
29 de diciembre de 2018
Clasificación general:
Robert P.
Diseñados independiente
"Las últimas actualizaciones son muy satisfactorias"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Making UI/UX designs has never been easier. Transferring from Illustrator to XD is just amazing. I also appreciate XD for its functionality, it allows our developers see an almost full prototype of how the design should flow.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Well after the last updates I can't really complain. I wasn't a fan of not having the fixed items, but after the update in the summer that helped out a lot

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

I am able to show a full flow and through the prototyping function.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
30 de Agosto, 2018
Clasificación general:
Jason W.
Diseñador creativo
"El futuro del diseño digital"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Ease of use and full integration with Creative Cloud. Feature's like repeat grid are a time saver.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Stability issues and lack of autosave make for risky workflow. Would also benefit from micro-interaction support.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

Using Adobe XD allows our designer to better hand over to front-end developers with exacting specifications.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
29 de Agosto, 2018
Clasificación general:
Nurman Z.
Diseñador web
"Una herramienta de diseño y creación de prototipos potente pero útil"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Diving into design in Xd is a new experience. The workspace is unlike most of Adobe’s professional apps, it’s simplified with less of a barrier to entry. The app is both new and familiar so the learning curve was easy, once I adjusted to the new arrangement of the single window environment.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Diving into design in Xd is a novel experience. The workspace is different most of Adobe’s professional apps, it’s simplified with less of a barrier to entrance. The app is both fresh and familiar, so the learning curve was easy, one time I adjusted to the new system of the single window environment.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

The greatest benefit is how extremely fast Adobe XD is compared with other prototyping tools. I'm capable to create multiple concepts in the amount of time it would convey to create one concept with a standardized creature.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
30 de jul, 2018
Clasificación general:
Nate h
Diseñador de experiencia de usuario
"El mejor software para la creación de prototipos"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Adobe XD makes it incredibly easy to mock up a pixel perfect concept. It is much better than some similar tools, which at best give you bare bones wireframes.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Even though it is just a prototyping tool, it could be better if it gave you the ability to seamlessly transfer what you design into usable code.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

The biggest benefit is how extremely fast Adobe XD is compared with other prototyping tools. I'm able to create multiple concepts in the amount of time it would take to create one concept with a similar tool.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
23 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
avatar de ryan o.
ryan o.
Directora, Diseño Digital
"Maquetas y pruebas de UX/UI súper rápidas al alcance de tu mano"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Part of the Adobe CC and designed with the user in mind to save time creating, making changes and sharing with the team for feedback.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Adobe seemed to come late to the party with the XD product. I wish they'd done so a few years earlier.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

We use Adobe XD for our digital marketing website, landing page, and app proof of concepts.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
16 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Natalie G.
Especialista en soporte de litigios
"Bueno para todo"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

You can sign, redact, edit, create, and move pages to the correct order. Plus bates stamping! Electronic signing and tracking said signing is a great help too for people not directly in front of you.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

That the original adobe does not have some of these features and while it will allow for electronic signing; its not nearly as complete as using this version.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

Scanning documents from clients and putting them in date order on the computer and not manually. Bates stamping. Cleaning up documents with extra ink on them to make for a cleaner printed page.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
02 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Sixue C.
Líder creativo
"Herramienta útil para diseñadores que no son UI/UX"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

 The design tools are familiar. I can quickly figure out all how to use it without going through a bunch of tutorial videos. The program itself is light and opens fast. It still preforms quite well when having a large number of artboards. XD is fully integrated with other Adobe’s programs. Just like how you use PS, AI and ID, you can copy&paste elements directly from other programs into XD.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

You need adobe CC to view or edit the project files. No way to export single element as vector to Illustrator. There is no real image editing tools, you will need other programs to edit then import to XD. There is no layer feature, so it's not handy if you want to select multiple ungrouped elements.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

I used Adobe XD for Company website rebranding project. Because we didn't have UI/UX designer in the team at the moment, so I had taken over the wireframe task. Compare to Sketch, Adobe XD was easier to get started for people who don't have UI/UX experience. It saved me a lot of time.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
08 de febrero de 2018
Clasificación general:
Karen G.
Gerente Global de Contenidos Digitales
"¡¡Mi experiencia ha sido excelente hasta ahora!!"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

I just recently started using adobe XD and it's super easy to use

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

I dislike that they don't have their own image library

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

creating wireframes of new web tools to save time.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
17 de enero de 2018
Clasificación general:
José Luis R.
Cofundador y director ejecutivo
"Acredito ser el mejor software que Adobe hace ahora"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Rápido, facil, simples, incrivel! O Adobe XD reunie o melhor para um UX Design, ou até mesmo um Designer grafico, de banners, tudo. O XD muda sua forma de trabalhar.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Poderia ter um formato melhor para visualizar os Prototyps, mas isso não é um grande problema.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

Mudou a forma que a gente criava os projetos e enviava internamente para nossos clientes.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
11 de febrero de 2024
Clasificación general:
Jhon iverson P. avatar
Jhon Iverson P.
"un software fácil de usar y se puede utilizar en cualquier lugar"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

The best thing in adobe creative cloud is its entry price is extremely reasonable there is also a trial so you try the suite of products if it works for you then after that you can choose a plan for as low $9 per month and to get all the app the price is about $46 - $49 a month

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

There are some plans that gonna cost you more than if you were to directly purchase the app in the past

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

the entry plans they offer give is reasonable they also have plans for students which is very useful for me when i was in college and also for other students too since i often use adobe software on my projects

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
08 de enero de 2024
Clasificación general:
Himanshu P. avatar
Himanshu P.
Profesor auxiliar
"Una sencilla herramienta de diseño vectorial para una mejor interfaz"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

I used to use Adobe Photoshop so it was easy for me to grasp it as the interface is almost similar to other Adobe tools. It is easy to install as well. It has rich customer support to solve any problems in integration.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Compared to other tools in market it is loosing AI, personalisation and plugins. It is very expensive which can only afford by big conglomerates. It also has No built-in animation.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

I use Adobe XD for wireframing and prototyping the UX designs. IT helps me to develop some outstanding designs and share and save them in cloud using cloud syncing feature of adobe xd. It is a go to tool for any designer i feel.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
15 de octubre de 2023
Clasificación general:
Sebastián contra avatar
Sebastian V.
Full Stack Developer
"Adobe XD, una gran herramienta para realizar prototipos funcionales y muy precisos para nuestros clientes."
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Adobe XD allows us to ensure that clients will receive what they really need since with this interesting software tool we can develop a functional prototype, and ensure product approval before starting the development phase. On the other hand, the design process is very practical once we have learned to manage all the functionalities, and we also have a library of objects and templates that save a lot of time when creating designs. This is very useful to reuse everything that we have previously developed, considering works with a corporate image. Additionally, there are different ways to distribute our content, so that they are distributed in presentations, social media, to name a few, considering the application of Adobe XD on cloud or stand alone. It allows us to create a collaborative space and make it easier for people to increase improvements to our project, generate comments and much more.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

In reality, XD has provided an excellent option for us software developers, allowing us to create interactive and functional designs, in addition to allowing our projects to be manipulated by several collaborators simultaneously. When we work in the stand alone version we must have good processing capacity on our computer and if we do it in the cloud, good connectivity to Wi-Fi or our network is important. Having said this, it is very easy to learn how to use this software and take advantage of all its benefits. It is important to consider the native storage formats, but if we want to share our projects, we can do this online, we simply click on create link and, once done, we click on the Embed tab, we copy the code and place it anywhere web page that supports embedded frames.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

With Adobe XD we have been able to create functional prototypes to present to our clients, which guarantees acceptance before starting the development stage. On the other hand, this tool allows collaborative participation in the generation of results, and this is very useful when we want to involve the entire design team. Additionally, with this software we can create templates with our corporate image and save development time.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
23 de Agosto, 2023
Clasificación general:
El apartado D.
"Buen producto"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

First things first, the layout is a breeze. You don't need a manual to find your way around. And the best part? You can do all your design stuff in one place – from sketching out your ideas to making them look polished and ready for prime time.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

It's not so sophisticated like Figma and sometimes it's a bit limiting, but can make designs that fit on all sorts of devices, and you can even preview how they'll look on your phone right from your computer. Prototyping is where the real fun begins

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

You can make your designs actually come to life with interactions and animations. And guess what? You don't need to be some coding wizard. It's all drag-and-drop goodness.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
22 de Agosto, 2023
Clasificación general:
Neyla Vanessa P.
Asistente Administrativo Del Vicepresidente De Ingeniería
"Es una buena herramienta para crear y diseñar sitios web"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

It's user firendly and a handy tool when creating or designing a website

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Some integration features could be improved later on

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

Creating a website for different platforms to make them interactive

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
13 de junio de 2023
Clasificación general:
Rafael B.
"Herramienta excepcional y pulida para crear tus propios diseños"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

The possibility to create mockups based on ideas are extremely large. In the team we like to use Adobe XD to create designs that are used for study cases in the projects.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

I would like to have a more robust tool to edit texts, for example the possibility to add carets to create a list. For the rest I like everything in it.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

The possibility to create between cooworkers a design of a project in real time is something really helpful. This increase the productivity while knowing how the different design are being done.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
21 de mayo de 2023
Clasificación general:
Hyder N.
Programas informáticos
"El mejor software para crear prototipos"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe XD?

Adobe XD is one of the best tools for designing quick prototypes. It has drag-and-drop tools, and you can create mobile and web prototypes in a short time.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe XD?

Nothing as dislike, But products like Figma can more same things. Good tools depend on the familiarity of team members with this software.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe XD y en qué te beneficia eso?

Adobe XD helps to create wireframes and prototypes.