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Adobe Photoshop
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Adobe Photoshop Reseñas y detalles del producto

Adobe Photoshop Descripción General
¿Qué es Adobe Photoshop?

Podría decirse que es una de las herramientas de software de diseño gráfico más conocidas que se utilizan en la actualidad. Adobe Photoshop es actualmente la herramienta preferida de muchos profesionales creativos. El software ofrece herramientas ricas en funciones para el retoque, la edición y la manipulación de fotografías; y da acceso a numerosos pinceles y texturas. La plataforma es bien conocida por tener una interfaz en constante mejora, respaldada por una amplia selección de herramientas, paneles altamente personalizables, opciones de colaboración y opciones eficientes de administración de archivos.

Adobe Photoshop También se utiliza a menudo como edición de fotografías de elección en Marketing y Diseño UI / UX pilas de tecnología.

Compañía Adobe
Año de fundación 1982
Tamaño de la compañía Empleados de 10,001 +
Sede Principal San José, California (Estados Unidos)
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Gestionado por:
axel grubba
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Adobe Photoshop Detalles del producto
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Despliegue Nube/SaaS/basado en web, Mac de escritorio, Windows de escritorio, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil
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Formación Documentación
Idiomas Inglés
Adobe Photoshop Pros y contras
  • Conjunto completo de herramientas para retoques y retoques
  • Amplios filtros, pinceles y preajustes
  • Manipulación avanzada de color y fondo
  • Amplias herramientas de organización y gestión de imágenes.
  • Altamente personalizable
  • Puede presentar una curva de aprendizaje empinada para principiantes
  • Soporte limitado para gráficos vectoriales
Adobe Photoshop Caracteristicas
Edición 3D
Ajustes automáticos
Eliminación de fondo
Procesamiento por lotes
Herramientas de pincel
Tampón de clonar
Corrección de color
Pinceles personalizados
Reconocimiento de rostros
Filtros y Efectos
Editor de degradado
Imágenes HDR
Herramientas de curación
Cambio de tamaño de la imagen
Gestión de capas
Corrección de lentes
Edición de metadatos
Reducción de ruido
Costura panorámica
Corrección de perspectiva
mejora de fotografías
Eliminación de ojos rojos
Soporte para archivos RAW
Superposición de texto
Deshacer rehacer
Dr. vectorialawing
marcas de agua
Adobe Photoshop Medios
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Adobe Photoshop Imágenes
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Última actualización: Febrero 10, 2025
Adobe Photoshop Logotipo
8,911 Adobe Photoshop Opiniones
4.6 de 5
Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
18 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Amanda B.
Directora de la escuela
"Photoshop es esencial para gráficos y edición de fotografías"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I can change the depth, flip images and add layers to photos.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

There isn't ,much I dislike about the product, other than using the burn and sponge tools can be tricky/time-consuming.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I use it make book covers, social media promotion graphics and more. It makes marketing my writing much easier.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
15 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Lee Anne B.
Architectural Intern
"La elección obvia"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Once you learn it, it's pretty intuitive. And enough people use it that help is easily accessible online. You can logically figure out a work flow for achieving just about anything with a little patience. Great program for editing images but also for generating your own from scratch.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I say it's intuitive, but sometimes tools or commands don't always make sense with what they do and some are similar or named the same but perform differently. The only way to figure out exactly what they do is to test it.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I've introduced to my office a more involved usage of Photoshop for rendering buildings and spaces. I've learned the quick benefits of being able to alter or quickly highlight documents when edited as a PDF in Photoshop, and the ease of access between Adobe programs in general.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
15 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Courtney A.
Coordinadora de Ventas y Catering
"Gran software"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

It allows for quality products and better photos to give to my customers. I can use at work or in my personal life. It can be accessed easily on my computer and never had issues loading the software.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

It can be difficult to find certain functions to edit the photo. The use of the software is sometimes not the most user friendly and you need to have a training to take advantage of all the features in this software. I luckily had a friend that showed me the features provided to get the most out of it.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

Photo editing. The benefits are definitely the type of product at the end because the photos look very professional without using a professional photographer

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
15 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Lisette L.
Diseñadora Gráfica
"La herramienta definitiva para el diseñador moderno".
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I love the versatility of Photoshop and how intuitive the navigation around the program is. You can start from scratch and build your way up through practice. The things you can do here are limitless when it comes to design. Wether it's an agency job, at a startup or even a fashion magazine, you are able to find all the tools you need to edit, create, diagram, sketch, and build all in one program. I must also say that the new update comes already with several web and printing presets, so that you won't be at a loss when starting up.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

A downside of photoshop is that sometimes the updates don't work well with graphic tablets, and you have to install patches to solve them. Also the business license is pricey.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

With Photoshop we currently solve our web design department, as we do the UI/UX mockups in the program, and also we use it for regular ad design for google, Facebook and other tech sites. I've realized that it's very easy too use, that's why I highly recommend it.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
14 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Jesé V.
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

It's versatile and can be used for a variety of use cases.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

It can be very slow to use when you're working with a large file.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

It covers some of our design needs, but we rely on Illustrator and InDesign more.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
13 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Rachel b.
F cineasta
"Photoshop es un software profundo, complejo y flexible que utilizo para todos los proyectos de edición de fotografías".
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I love the flexibility of the tools in photoshop– that one tool can be used for multiple different things. The Auto features tend to be more accurate than other photo editing softwares. Editing in Raw is incredibly easy and intuitive in Photoshop.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop does take up a lot of space on my scratch discs when editing.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I use Photoshop to edit, color correct, and prepare images for print and digital publication.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
12 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Michelle K. avatar
Michelle K.
Directora de Producciones
"Un software excelente crea un trabajo excelente"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I love Photoshop's easy to navigate system and how it feels anything can be created — nothing is impossible — with this software. I use it for everything: photo editing, graphic design, retouching in any degree. On the day to day, we use it to edit the images that run in print and online. Personally, I use it in congruence with Adobe Illustrator to create the house ads and fillers we publish in print, as well as to work with advertisers to create their content that runs alongside ours. I recommend all of my employees use Photoshop, though they're encouraged to use whatever they like best. Most of them do use Photoshop. I love the flexibility and diversity of the software.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

It's hard to find something to dislike about Photoshop. I would say that the only thing that initially turned me off is the cost, but after using and experiencing Photoshop, time and time again it proves that it is worth the price.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

Photoshop is my go-to software for every job task. It allows me to create beautiful images or graphics quickly and support the company's endeavors with advertisers effortlessly and beautifully. The benefits are endless. Unlike a lot of other editing softwares, Photoshop is so easy to use and functions perfectly across multiple platforms and can export image documents for use across any platform: web, print, etc. We rely on Photoshop and other Adobe systems for everything our production team does. There is no other one software that we can use to achieve all of our business needs.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
12 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Mallorie V.
"Altamente recomendado "
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I love the option to use Creative Cloud for a small monthly fee!

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I don't really dislike anything. This is a great product with many great features!

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I can make several things myself instead if buying or paying for design

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
12 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Melissa C.
"El mejor software de edición de fotografías con infinitas herramientas"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Some may disagree with me here, but I find it mostly intuitive, and if I don’t know something, it’s very easy learn. Layers are not something one typically thinks they need/want until you’ve used them.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

The abundance of features and tools can be overwhelming in the beginning, but you learn to appreciate them. That or ignore the ones you don't use.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

Enhanced photos for quality promotional material. The benefits are within the endless ways of altering each facet. The layers allow you to quickly toggle from one to the other for easy decision making on visuals.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
08 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Jose b.
Fiesta de control de aire táctico
"Altamente recomendado"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I use Photoshop for my photography business and I love how easy it is to use! The tutorials are very helpful and its all around a great product. The new update is fantastic. There are plenty of tools for mobile and web design as well!

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I dislike the multi-payments vs the one time payment. It stinks that its not cheaper to pay the one time fee rather instead of monthly payments. Also, it lacks support for HEIC.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

It solves my lighting issues and I can easily make photos look more appealing to the eye.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
07 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Claire G.
Gerente de Programa, Capacitación en Ventas
"Adobe photoshop"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Intuitive - I like that the adobe suite keeps things constant across all their products

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I don’t like that the layers/artboards aren’t the same across indesign/photoshop/illustrator

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I’m able to adjust logos and photos for training materials

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
02 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
Nicolás L. avatar
Nicholas L.
Entrenador certificado de gran inauguración
"Excelente para editar"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Whether it's a quick mockup or a complete design, Photoshop brings the best tools of Creative Cloud together in one program!

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

It's mostly for editing, therefore the learning curve to more appropriate software for designing, like InDesign can be steep.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

Everything I do involves Photoshop!

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
02 de junio de 2018
Clasificación general:
marissa d. avatar
Marissa D.
Asociado sénior de marketing digital
"Excelente software de edición de fotografías tanto para principiantes como para usuarios profesionales"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I love the different things that you can do with photoshop. I often find myself playing around and editing various photos and content. Easy to use.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I wish that it was easier to work with text in photoshop, as I often have to move to InDesign and then back between the two platforms/software.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

Photo editing and graphic design.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
26 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
George S.
"La herramienta creativa definitiva"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

What I liked about Photoshop, is that you can work on a variety of projects. You can work on a project might cartoon animation then go to another project to manipulate photo realistic elements .

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

There’s nothing that I disliked about Photoshop, there are some things that I create in illustratorBut that is a personal preference and because of the way I’ve learned to do some items incorporating both Photoshop and illustrator. But Photoshop is essentially or can essentially do the same things that illustrator can do.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

But that is a personal preference and because of the way I’ve learned to do some items incorporating both Photoshop and illustrator. But Photoshop is essentially or can essentially do the same things that illustrator can do.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
24 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Nathan W.
Director De Producción Del Teatro Jewell Theatre Company
"Manipula y edita fotos con facilidad"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I love the filters that can be used to soften, sharpen, or completely change the look of photos.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Sometimes the quick keys and other functions of the software are not intuitive, or you need to know photography jargon to master it.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

When I need photography for marketing my theatre company, I can rely on Photoshop to help me make mediocre photos look professional.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
23 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Rifaat K. avatar
Rifaat K.
Web Developer / diseñador
"Mejor software de diseño"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Flexibility and ability to copy and paste from other adobe software.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Does not have inclined angled guides. Designing graphic elements would be way easier with some inclined guides instead of creating straight lines and hiding them.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I design marketing materials and web elements on photoshop.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
21 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Jessica D.
Diseñador de experiencia de usuario sénior
"Capas y Capas de Fotos"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

What's so special about Photoshop? How about everything? Photoshop is popular enough that it's become a verb for good reason. It's got everything you need to edit photos. The options for color correction, cropping, editing white balance, working with layers, and even typography are fantastic.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop is so powerful it's sometimes possible for even seasoned designers to get lost in it. This is less of a complaint and more of a comment than anything, though.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I use Photoshop to edit and color-correct photos, create graphics, and even make the occasional gif. It's hands-down my favorite design tool

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
21 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Lilly p.
Senior Designer
"Todo lo viejo es nuevo otra vez"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop reminds me of that Apple commercial from last year... "the only thing that's new is everything." What I love about Photoshop is that it manages to feel fresh with every new release while still feeling familiar. From the updated tools for editing and correcting colors to the layers palette to the the calligraphy options, everything feels "right" in Photoshop.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop can be a bit daunting to learn. While I'm an old hat, I work with some designers who are newer, so I'm constantly helping them navigate the app. I wish Photoshop did a better job helping newbies.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I use photoshop to correct photos, create graphics, and design projects. It's a powerful application that helps me get my job done.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
21 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Faith G.
Diseñador de experiencia de usuario sénior
"No sólo para fotos divertidas..."
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Non-designers think of Photoshop as the tool to create funny pictures of their friends' heads on a dog's body. But if you're a designer like me, Photoshop is a god-send. It's got everything I need to work with photographs, including great tools for editing white-balance, colors, and other post-processing tasks.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop is definitely a power tool, and sometimes it feels like they've crammed a bit too much in. It's odd that there are so many options for things like gifs when there are other tools in Adobe's Creative Cloud offering that handle those tasks better.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I use Adobe Photoshop for correcting photos before using them in other design tools. It's the best tool for the job by far.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
17 de mayo de 2018
Clasificación general:
Josephine C.
"Usuario de Photoshop desde hace 7 años"
que es lo que mas te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

The thing I like best about photoshop and most Adobe programs is that they are user friendly. I like that I know where everything is or how to do something even though I’ve never done it before. Also I have used it for anything from designing jacquard weave patterns, screens for silk screening to editing photos. It’s very versatile.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Photoshop?

I appreciate and embrace photoshops limitations because I don’t think one program needs to do everything. If I wanted that I would download Maya. I don’t really have anything I dislike about photoshop.

¿Qué problemas hay? Adobe Photoshop resolver y cómo te beneficia eso?

I like that I can use it in many aspects of design, it is one of many multifunctional tools that Adobe has. I can use it to make anything I want related to business and creative aspects and that has been absolutely nec

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