Desenfoque de fondo de Adobe Connect
Logotipo de Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect
Reuniones virtuales simplificadas
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Reseñas de Adobe Connect y detalles del producto

Descripción general de Adobe Connect
¿Qué es Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect es una plataforma de conferencias web que permite a las empresas realizar reuniones, seminarios web y sesiones de capacitación en línea. Es una solución confiable que permite a los usuarios compartir presentaciones y otros archivos multimedia directamente desde su escritorio, brindando experiencias ricas en multimedia a cientos de participantes. Está diseñado para recrear el entorno de aprendizaje de las aulas físicas para definir una experiencia de comunicación más atractiva y colaborativa. La solución ofrece experiencias virtuales inmersivas con útiles herramientas de guión gráfico y características de diseño donde puede planificar, organizar y realizar un seguimiento de todos sus eventos.
Adobe Connect es una plataforma de conferencias web que permite a las empresas realizar reuniones, seminarios web y sesiones de capacitación en línea. Es una solución confiable que permite a los usuarios compartir presentaciones y otros archivos multimedia directamente desde su escritorio, brindando experiencias ricas en multimedia a cientos de participantes. Está diseñado para recrear el entorno de aprendizaje de las aulas físicas para definir una experiencia de comunicación más atractiva y colaborativa. La solución ofrece experiencias virtuales inmersivas con útiles herramientas de guión gráfico y características de diseño donde puede planificar, organizar y realizar un seguimiento de todos sus eventos.

Empresa Adobe
Año de fundación 1982
Tamaño de la compañía Empleados de 10,001 +
Sede Principal San José, California (Estados Unidos)
Medios Sociales
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¿Cuáles son los pros y los contras de Adobe Connect?
Detalles del producto Adobe Connect
Small Business
Mercado medio
Despliegue Nube/SaaS/basado en web, Mac de escritorio, Windows de escritorio, Android móvil, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil, Linux local
Soporte 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico
Formación Documentación
Idiomas Inglés
Pros y contras de Adobe Connect
Para Agencias y Operadores
  • Se integra fácilmente con software CRM popular como Salesforce y Eloqua
  • Opción para crear páginas de registro únicas
  • Proporciona amplias opciones de plantilla que se pueden personalizar para entornos virtuales
  • Mala calidad de grabación y problemas de audio y video, especialmente cuando se usa en dispositivos móviles
  • Requiere soporte extenso para resolver problemas
Funciones de conexión de Adobe
Acceso a la API
Análisis e informes
Herramientas de anotación
Seguimiento de asistencia
Notificaciones automatizadas
Discusiones de trabajo
Salas de descanso
Funcionalidad de chat
Almacenamiento en la nube
Biblioteca de contenidos Setupad
Marca personalizable
Roles de usuario personalizables
Compartición de archivos
Videoconferencia HD
Integración con LMS
Pizarra interactiva
Cuestionarios en vivo
Transmisión de video en directo
Acceso Móvil  
Soporte multilenguaje
Webinars realizados
Sondeos y encuestas
Colaboración en tiempo real
Compartir pantalla
Seguridad y Privacidad
Grabación de sesiones
Inicio de sesión único (SSO)
Gestión de usuarios
Fondos de pantalla virtuales
Levantamiento de manos virtual
Adobe Conectar Medios
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Capturas de pantalla de Adobe Connect
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Última actualización: Septiembre 14, 2024
Logotipo de Adobe Connect
915 Adobe Connect Reseñas
4.0 de 5
Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
03 de diciembre de 2014
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"Adobe Conectar"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

In a world of many virtual interfaces, Adobe Connect still rises to the top for me. I've used many of the old standards throughout my career. I don't remember any issues with connection for myself, connection for customers or potential customers, or screen sharing. Any issues we did have was because of a faulty connection internally. My most recent experience using it (Mac) was seamless. I logged in, allowed what I needed to in order to run the solution, and presented. There were a few issues with getting the audio set up, but ultimately, again, that was user error. All in all, a solid product. I'm ultimately rating a 7/10 because I haven't fully explored the functionality and it's been a few years since I've used it with any regularity.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The only "dislike" I have is that you're allowed into the meeting room upon login, but if you don't have the correct permissions, you get kicked out and have to log back in. An annoyance, but not a deal-breaker.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Trying to connect multiple people across geographies, time zones, etc. Adobe Connect is relatively easy to use regardless of region, and for those who can't participate, they can watch the recording later.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
05 de diciembre de 2023
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"Mejora de la comunicación del proyecto con Adobe Connect"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

What stood out with Adobe Connect was its robust room customization feature. During our water pump project, the platform flexibly adapted to each meeting's needs. For complex technical discussions, we could set up a virtual room with a layout that made it easy to delve into detailed schematics. And when it came to broader team updates, we could switch to a more open format that fostered group interaction. This versatility was key in maintaining clear and purpose-driven communication across our diverse and dispersed team.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

While Adobe Connect brought a lot to the table, it wasn't without its hurdles. Some colleagues felt a little lost amidst its myriad of features, taking a while to find their way around the platform. Also, we noticed that the smooth running of sessions was very much at the mercy of our internet connections. In places where the Wi-Fi was less than reliable, we often experienced disruptions, which sometimes led to rescheduling meetings or losing valuable discussion time.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Adobe Connect became our go-to for bridging the communication gaps that often come with remote project work at Exterran. The water pump project had many moving parts, and being able to check in more frequently without the time sink of travel was a game-changer. We could reallocate those saved hours into deepening our project work, fine-tuning our designs, and ensuring that we stayed ahead of our deadlines. The platform didn't just keep us connected; it made those connections more meaningful and productive.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
31 de Agosto, 2022
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"Funciona bien para presentaciones que requieren acceso restringido a las presentaciones y vídeos".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

It works well for presentations that require restricted access to the decks and videos.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

It is very complicated to use for many attendees.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

It works well for presentations that require restricted access to the decks and videos.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
27 de jul, 2021
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"Estuvo bien, creo que hizo el trabajo"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

It allowed the option to share screen and share video at the same time. It was a pretty useful platform.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Connection quality was very poor. The audio would cut out often.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

I used it for a drivers education course. It was great for the online use.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
14 de jul, 2021
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"Adobe connect fue una buena solución, pero su uso no fue tan sencillo como otros productos".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The product is able to be utilized from anywhere in the world and I can record sessions as well

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

TOo much detail for most users to manage

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

It was setup to help the organization connect together to make presentations and advertising more streamlined

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
04 de mayo del 2021
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"Revisión después de 4 meses usage"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Adobe login system is simple and easy to setup. I like the camera auto arrange of the screens of the participants and the templates that we can use to easy steup the room. The breakout system is great, we are able to have private meeting within the meeting - i would like to see just a way to "lock" those breakout to avoid accidental entering of other participants. A nice feature i would advise would be an option to "clear" the room after the meeting, deleting notes, chat,

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I would like to see full control over the audio of the participants now allowing them to cancel sound completly. Also, there is some features like the idle time that is now easy to understand exactly what is appening. Pod management is also something i would like to see improved as we find ourselves with many unused pods opened for the simple reason the pods get hidden behind the active screens or pods.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Major help to troubleshoot live the problems encoutered by the participants with optional screen control. The setup is easy and onboarding new users is quite straight forward. We get to ensure the security measures are followed by using the features like "only registered users can join" and also by controlling the acess to the room 1 by 1 - the administrator accepts or refuses the request to join the room. We can share documents or screen very easy.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
02 de mayo del 2021
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"Muy baja tolerancia al ancho de banda de Internet. Tuvimos que trasladar una reunión de AC a Zoom a mitad de camino".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The layout and pods allow lot of functionlity

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Low internet bandwidth compared to Zoom and even MS Teams. We have had to move a meeting that was midway as people were dropping out.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

We realise the benefits of using several pods and the different ways to interact in a meeting.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 30, 2021
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"Profesor utilizando Adobe Connect"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

You can easily see the attendees and the chatbox.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

It is often very slow and glitchy. The app version doesn't work despite my many efforts to download it.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

I have not solved any problems with Adobe Connect.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 23, 2021
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"Adobe Conectar"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The ability to give students drawing access and the ability to control microphone rights.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Connection issues, lots of lagging if too many cameras are on.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Online classroom teaching

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 23, 2021
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"Revisión de CA"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Breakout rooms (ability to pre-load content, administration) , various pods (chat, polls, files), whiteboard cut and paste, annotation tools (drawing lines and shapes)

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

There is a 2-3 second voice delay which always caused conversations to overlap or interfere, latest upgrade causes constant crashing and rebooting, automatic slide changes (came from the most recent upgrade), performance degrades when video is turned on (your competitors do a better job, why can't you), web version, lack of classic view, lack of countdown time in breakout rooms like Zoom does

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Student interaction is much better because of the tools involved. Much better interactive experience than Zoom, but need to fix the issues

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
10 de febrero de 2021
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¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

It is very practical. The interface is very useful.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

We need to feel the quality while presenting in Adobe connect. I think that a lot of progress should be made, especially in terms of sound and video. There are big problems when using advanced sound options. Also, when using an external camera, the screen image is reversed. I tried this with a lot of new cameras and faced the same result. Another important issue concerns data saving processes. We should be able to save with the save as option without watching the whole record.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

It offers an ideal environment for large groups.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
09 de febrero de 2021
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"Me gustan las funciones, no tanto los problemas de conexión"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I like having the whiteboard and being able to write on PDFs and images Being able to keep out "guests"

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

While the connection issues are less with the "standard version" I and my students are now having more sound issues

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Teaching HS math virtually.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
09 de febrero de 2021
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"Adobe Conectar"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The ability to hold large scale webinars and customize these events.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I've experienced multiple issues with the site crashing, especially during the start of the pandemic. This experienced has improved but the overall UX seems dated and more complex than it needs to be.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Presenting large scale webinars. The benefits have been tracking participation in these events and running all of the communication through the system.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
24 de noviembre de 2020
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"Adobe connect es una herramienta útil"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I like that I can use the camera and mic when needed plus the chat

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The connection is not always great, and I would like more tools for editing and writing

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

How to organize my page

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
19 de noviembre de 2020
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"Hay margen de mejora en Adobe Connect. Por ejemplo, streaming de vídeos, segunda cámara, etc."
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

1. The room setup is persistent. The host can design the layouts in the meeting room. 2. The recordings can be instantly retrievable from the Adobe Central.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

1. Sharing of videos - It cannot share videos with audio by sharing screen. It will be too clumsy to upload the videos to the share pod. Besides, the user may not have the chance to get hold of the mp4 files to be shared e.g. they just want to share a Youtube video to students in the online classes. 2. Stability issue - the server is not very stable. There has been a serious database storage in the year. All the recordings of that day has lost. We have received a lots of complaints from our users. A resilient system should be in place to avoid this incident to happen again. More monitoring on the server healthiness is required. 3. Recordings issue - We have experienced more that 10 times that the audio or video images are missing from the recordings this year. We need to contact the Support team to sort it out. And sometimes, the audio and video images could be recovered. It will be very troublesome as we need to pay our teachers to re-record the missing parts. It did incur our cost and effort. 4. The response time of the support team should be further enhanced. 5. The connection status in China is poor.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

The online classes delivery in the pandemic period. The continuity of the learning can be recognised even during the physical class suspension.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
23 de jul, 2020
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"Esta bien"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

It's quite easy to use and the text function is great, you can see the students type. Once I figured out how to use adobe it was honestly easy to use. The record option is also a great tool, the students are able to review which is great cause reviewing is a great way to continue improving.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Sometimes I get kicked off the platform in the middle of a call, other times I cannot login and it can be quite heavy on internet usage. Whenever video is switched on it can be quite hard to teach. It slows down everything and there is a bit of a lag.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Connecting with students is easier and it's a user friendly platform. The logging in process is easy and the students seem to like the layout of adobe. I like that my company had a landing page for the platform, which made everything look professional. Since I teach students who are from large corporations having a professional look to my lessons is really great.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
07 de enero de 2020
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"Uso de videoconferencia"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I like how the platform gives the ability for multiple users to access the same content via invites. The platform is very useful for organizations who video conference to communicate to remote workers or workers in multiple locations.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Adobe connect is very useful and provides many video conferencing functions which help people communicate remotely or in multiple locations. The platform does not have many limitations. I was not a fan of the microphone mute feature. it can be difficult to set correctly and control.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

commutation between employees who are working remote or off-site.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
27 de noviembre de 2019
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"Acabo de recibir una capacitación virtual sobre Adobe Connect"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I like that the host could share his screen with us and walk us through his slideshow and presentation. We were also able to participate and respond to questions in a chat box.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I dislike that when i use my phone to multitask, it closes the entire conference.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

I was able to take training without having to travel.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
26 de noviembre de 2019
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"Fallas intermedias"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The connectivity is good compared to other applications

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

The typing screen glitches on phone and also voice is sometimes unclear

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?


Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
19 de noviembre de 2019
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"Revisión de Adobe Connect"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect is great for presentations and video conferences. Video quality is quite clear.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Connect?

I find using Adobe very advanced sometimes. I had to use YouTube a few times to find out how to do a few things.

¿Qué problemas resuelve Adobe Connect y en qué le beneficia?

Creating presentations was really helpful with Adobe Connect.

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