Desenfoque de fondo de Adobe Commerce
Logotipo de Adobe Comercio
Adobe Commerce
(Anteriormente Magento)
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Reseñas de Adobe Commerce y detalles del producto

Descripción general de comercio de Adobe
¿Qué es Adobe Commerce?

Adobe Commerce (anteriormente Magento) es un producto alojado y de código abierto y es uno de los creadores de sitios web más grandes de la actualidad, con importantes marcas de primer nivel como Nike y Cisco entre su lista de clientes. El entorno de Adobe Commerce también es escalable; sin embargo, requiere algunos conocimientos de codificación para maximizarlo. La plataforma tiene muchas opciones de personalización y ofrece funciones de marketing automatizadas basadas en disparadores y funciones automáticas de venta cruzada y venta adicional.

Compañía Adobe
Año de fundación 1982
Tamaño de la compañía Empleados de 10,001 +
Sede Principal San José, California (Estados Unidos)
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Detalles del producto Adobe Commerce
Pequeña Empresa
Mercado medio
Despliegue Nube/SaaS/basado en web, Linux local, Windows local
Soporte 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico
Formación Documentación
Idiomas Inglés
Funciones de comercio de Adobe
Acceso a la API
Controles de acceso / permisos
Panel de actividad
Flujo de trabajo de aprobación
Categorización de activos
Pista de auditoría
Procesamiento por lotes
Almacenamiento en la nube
Herramientas de colaboración
Biblioteca de contenidos Setupad
Publicación de contenido
Marca personalizable
Importación / Exportación de datos
Interfaz de arrastrar y soltar
Detección Duplicada
Conversión de archivos
Vista previa del documento
Edición de imagen
Manejo de Metadatos
Acceso Móvil  
Informes y análisis
Gestión de Derechos
Permisos basados ​​en roles
Filtro de búsqueda
Etiquetas / Palabras clave
Integraciones de terceros
Gestión de usuarios
Control de versiones
marcas de agua
Automatización del flujo de trabajo
Medios comerciales de Adobe
Adobe Comercio 0
Adobe Comercio 1
Adobe Comercio 2
Adobe Comercio 3
Adobe Comercio 4
Capturas de pantalla de Adobe Comercio
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Nuestra investigación está seleccionada a partir de diversas fuentes autorizadas y está destinada a ofrecer asesoramiento general. No garantizamos que nuestras sugerencias funcionen mejor para cada caso de uso, así que considere sus necesidades únicas al elegir productos y servicios. Siéntete libre de compartir tu realimentación.
Última actualización: Febrero 18, 2025
Logotipo de Adobe Comercio
337 Adobe Commerce Opiniones
3.9 de 5
Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
16 de enero de 2024
Clasificación general:
Ashwin G. avatar
Ashwin G.
Ingeniero de Software Especialista
"Revisión del comercio de Adobe"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Flexibility, Customization and Scalability

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Learning curve due to it's extensive feature and licence cost

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Ecommerce website and product management

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
06 de diciembre de 2023
Clasificación general:
Cherri N.
Cofundador y presidente
"Magento es simplemente la mejor plataforma de comercio electrónico del mercado. Aquí no hay moldes".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The customization if critical for today's online businesses. With even more competition from Amazon, you need to be able to compete in a content driven search world. Cookie cutters like Shopify and BigCommerce are not driving the conversions for small businesses. You need to set yourself apart from the pack and Magento helps you do that.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento needs to have a omni-channel solution, so more things can be done under one hood, and not so piecemealed out. To have a listing solution for marketplaces and then to integrate with SAGE Accounting would be the ideal solution for me. The other drawback for me is PRICE! They are getting too expensive for a small business, which is really sad, as they were built with the sweat of a small business, but we are being priced out of the solution. So Sad!

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Brought customization into an easy to use solution. We have very custom functions and Magento was able to do all that for us. The big problem now is the PRICE! Stop pricing out the small businesses that really need you.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
03 de noviembre de 2023
Clasificación general:
Rohit K. avatar
Rohit K.
Especialista Senior en Ingeniería de Software
"Plataforma de comercio electrónico de solución integral"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Customer Management with attributes, Products attribute management, inbuilt cache, promo options and ERP integration with Magento make it best in all e-commerce.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento commerce is all good but if I feel these some functionality required there - Vendor platform with separate cache flush - There should be some scheduler in between db - Backorder functionality should be there - Order pre quote should be there.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Adobe commerce update there security patches so that it can be protected with cyber attack, integration with ERP also make this easy, Nowdays PWA is best part I see in Magento

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
16 de febrero de 2023
Clasificación general:
Hannah D.
"Buen producto"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It is very organized and very easy to use.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Sometimes there are glitches in the system.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

How to best use e-commerce when a user.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
24 de jul, 2022
Clasificación general:
Avatar de Gaurav G.
Gaurav G.
Ingeniero de diseño
"Fácil de usar, eficiente y suficiente"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

User Friendliness, Every Function Is Well Organised.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It's Sync Services Are Very Lame To Use.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Organizing Best Possible Shopping Experience For My Consumers

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 13, 2022
Clasificación general:
Ashima K.
Business Analyst
"La mejor herramienta alternativa para el desarrollo de sitios web"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento is a successful web development tool for website creation. We can create a large website for business. It is a one time investment in business because if we go with wordpress and core php websites then in the future we need to think about changing the website platform. Due to no pages and services, websites take extra time to load. Currently, customers can't wait for this. So Magento is the best and most secure web development tool for our eCommerce business. We can update products images, and content and create product categories to manage several products easily.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It is very easy to integrate with Google Analytics and search console to check website traffic and backlinking. We can install a separate plugin to optimize website meta tags as well.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

We have been using the Magento website development tool for our business for a long time. Magento Web development tool is very secure for businesses to create websites and blogs. It is easy to develop websites online and we can assign multiple users to handle multiple tasks on the website. Magento is very fast and user friendly for business. We develop our eCommerce business portal and now we can easily update our products pages, content and much more. It is too secure and no one can easily crack the code of a website.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
04 de febrero de 2022
Clasificación general:
Avatar de Prakhar B.
Prakhar B.
Responsable técnico
"Es la mejor plataforma de comercio electrónico con alta personalización con lógicas comerciales nuevas o personalizadas"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Its customizatble, Scaleable Can be integrated to different ERPs Plugins Available to add new features.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The coding on it sometimes get tough, but once you get hold its amazing

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Easy order management Incresasing businesses

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
23 de noviembre de 2021
Clasificación general:
Frank M.
Responsable técnico
"Potente comercio electrónico para grandes empresas"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento provides a wide range of functionality built-in, and has an extensive marketplace of extensions that allow unlimited extension of functionality. Also the possibility of customizing the code means any type of enhancement or integration is possible.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It does require a helpful vendor or competent software engineer to get the most out of Magento. Would be great to be able to install themes and extensions as easily as Wordpress...

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Online commerce automation. Integrating with third party 3PLs. Multiple store fronts with multiple currencies easily handled. We also support multiple payment methods including direct debit, buy now pay later and credit card.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
15 de octubre de 2021
Clasificación general:
avatar de mónica c.
Monica C.
Asistente Administrativo Institucional
"Todo lo que necesitas en un solo lugar"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

We had a large catalog of products to organize and I appreciated all of the customization options that were available to me. I also liked the granular data we were able to pull just using Magento alone. Utilizing this tool gave us valuable insights into our customers and their habits which we were able to translate into increased sales. We also had customers from all over the world - particularly in India (US based) so Magento enabled us to increase our reach and to grow our international sales as well.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

One thing that I disliked about Magento is that it can be a little confusing at times. There are many customizable options available but their user guides are not the most helpful in assisting you to get the most out of these tools. It usually took quite a bit of troubleshooting on my own to get things to work and see the benefit. I found integrating with Mailchimp to be particularly difficult.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

I am not currently using Magento Commerce. But using it previously enabled our team to organize a large catalog of products and run promotions which increased user experience and sales. Additionally, as mentioned above we also had many international customers, especially in India. As a US-based company, Magento enabled us to increase our reach and to grow our sales across the globe.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
09 de junio de 2021
Clasificación general:
Analesse S.
Especialista en servicios para miembros
"Magento es eficiente y confiable"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Aligns well with our website, makes assisting customers easier, love like managing customer accounts are quick and easy to locate

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Certain functions need approvements but our company is constantly making improvements, overall easy to use

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

any specific member issues get taken care of efficiently and makes members overall experience with our company great!

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
22 de febrero de 2021
Clasificación general:
claudia s.
"buen programa"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Smooth access, ne click accessible and completely user friendly.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It has a limitations for a good software like this.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

To sell our products as a ecommerce website.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
20 de octubre de 2020
Clasificación general:
Sheldon C.
"Experiencia fantástica utilizando esta plataforma durante los últimos 3 años. Muy conveniente para PYME y grandes".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It is free to get started and easy to use. Self-host on any PHP web hosting is the best. Also that it’s a perfectly scalable system, I can switch up from 10 products to 100,000

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The user interface could be more artistic. The theme seems boring at times but not an issue. Also not very SEO friendly I would say. Because the learning curve is so much longer for developing in Magento, it had been a time-consuming process trying to get modifications made.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Managing my business sales and communication with my online customers. Tracking down reports and shipping charges etc.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
14 de Septiembre de 2020
Clasificación general:
Namrata S.
"La mejor solución para el desarrollo web de comercio electrónico y mejorar la experiencia de compra"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento Commerce is a best platform to design and develop business website. We can create unique websites for our clients with security. It gives responsive templates to design website and improve the user view on multiple devices. It provides advance functionality to users like drag and drop tool to manage content and images. We can customize whole website according to client requirement and complete our web development task on time. We can sell products on multiple market places easily.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento is good solution for large and small size ecommerce business. We can add products online and customize website design to improve business sales.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

It was a good experience with Magento software. We used Magento commerce for our client websites to develop a secure website. It gives multiple advance option to design a custom website. We worked for our business clients and manage their ecommerce business website on Magento platform. It is easy to design website and manage web content on cloud. We can upload products and set price to sell on website according to sales. If we need to create product page we can easily design and we can track purchase inventory for business.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
22 de noviembre de 2019
Clasificación general:
rosentla d. avatar
Rosentla D.
Coordinador de Cuenta
"Una herramienta integrada de comercio electrónico de código abierto".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento comprises a broad assortment of computerized publicizing tools for instance product investigations, rule-based up-selling and strategically pitching, directed customers-based progressions segmentation, and SEO endorsements. It allows the customers to investigate online store by referencing various classifications, hues, and expenses. It conveys the clients a list of things to get and a support motor. The creative variant of Magento approves the clients to deliver and deal with various stores and custom pages with copious media records and pictures.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento works on PHP, it is grown simply like an endeavor Java application. Thus, one of the fundamental disadvantages of that will be that substantial burden the executives turn out to be somewhat dangerous here and there. It is exceptionally overpriced for little stores. It requires overwhelming servers for legitimate working, which makes it slower. There is a contribution of comprehensive data on the off chance that you need the most extreme functionalities, so it requires a great deal of time to work.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Magento is an amazing shopping basket tool that is collected as an open-source key arrangement controlled by eBay. It offers extraordinary adaptability to the organizations while setup and taking inclusive management of the stores. The amazing record following and solid consolidation of Magento with eBay is the significant explanation behind different organizations that pick Magento to develop their stores. It empowers the users to customize the back-end of the executives of the media content.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
20 de noviembre de 2019
Clasificación general:
alex k. avatar
Alex K.
Aprendiz de gestión
"Una plataforma de carrito de compras unificada".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento consists of an extensive variety of digital advertising tools for example product analyses, rule-based up-selling and cross-selling, targeted clients-based advancements segmentation, and SEO approvals. It permits the clients to explore online store by mentioning different categories, colors, and costs. It delivers the users a wish list and an endorsement engine. The innovative version of Magento authorizes the users to produce and handle numerous stores and custom pages with abundant media files and images.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento operates on PHP, it is developed just like an enterprise Java app. So, one of the main drawbacks of that is that heavy load management becomes slightly problematic sometimes. It is highly costly for smaller stores. It requires heavy servers for proper functioning, which makes it sluggish. There is an involvement of thorough information if you want maximum functionalities, so it requires a lot of time to operate.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Magento is a powerful shopping cart tool that is assembled as an open-source key solution possessed by eBay. It offers incredible flexibility to the businesses while configuration and taking overall handling of the stores. The remarkable record tracking and strong incorporation of Magento with eBay is the major reason for various businesses that pick Magento to construct their stores. It enables you to personalize the back-end management of the media content.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
24 de octubre de 2019
Clasificación general:
Luis Carlos A. avatar
Luis Carlos A.
Gerente de Mercado Internacional
"Increíble plataforma de comercio electrónico para tu negocio"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The platform is really easy to use, allows you to sell your products, creating invoices, keep track of payments and allows you to build a front end web, so your customers can buy the products for themselves! saving you time so you can use it for developing more business

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

some reports in the platform are not so easy to read, it takes a little bit of time to get familiar in this area.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Providing access to the B2B platform to our customers, so instead of spending time creating orders from customers, they can do it for themselves, and you can just use that time to leverage more business development and account management

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
01 de Septiembre de 2019
Clasificación general:
Amie W. avatar
amie w.
Gerente de Mercadeo de Marca
"Magento es uno de los mejores programas de marketing".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

This is the best software for costumization. The one of the important thing in this software that is it is the best marketing and it provide the best service of the costumer for very easiest way. We also deal with the costumer with the better way. You can also build a branded mobile sites that connects with your website. It is the best for e-commerce site magento is also optizimed to work with thousands of products, tons of traffic, and a big number of sales.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

This is an expensive software because it's all features are outstanding and also difficult so everyone cannot use this features. The one most important problem is that software, that should be fixed with an upload sometime are not. Its search functionality is very limited and this software is available for free, if you want to get a reliable and qualitative costumers. But conclude that this software is very efficient and also easy to use. This is the best marketing software and best platform for our business.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

This is the best managing software and the great platform for our costumers. It provide the best sales price of our costumers. I use this software because it makes my life too much easy and all the features are outstanding. I recommended to use this software because it is more reliable and efficient software.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
31 de Agosto, 2019
Clasificación general:
Nick H. avatar
Nick H.
Asistente de ventas
"MAGENTO es el gran software para el comercio electrónico".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

Magento is a complete e-commerce software for businesses. Magento is full featured and open-source e-commerce platform. It is easy to navigate and easy to learn. The best thing of this software is that it is a very powerful software that allow web developers to create almost any possibilities. It is very different software as compared to its competitors. Bu using this software, we can easily handle it. All of its features are very valuable for everyone. Hence, it is the great software for beginners.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The biggest problem of this software is that it is very difficult for us to maintain the different e-commerce platform. The another difficulty that you faced while using this software is that for the beginners, it is very difficult software because the new users cannot easily use this efficient software. All of its features and functions so outstanding and not easily understandable. But to conclude that, it is the best e-commerce platform.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Magento is very simple and affordable software. By using this software, we can easily use this software. All of its features are so amazing and easy to use. This software is very helpful for anyone. I recommend this efficient software for small business companies because small business companies can easily afford this software.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
30 de jul, 2019
Clasificación general:
avatar de scott n.
Scott N.
Asociada Sr.
"Magento es el gran software de personalización del comercio electrónico".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

This is the best software for marketing and use for the best customization of e-commerce platforms. The one of the most benefit of this software is that we can also transfer our payment to the other software. It provides the best e-commerce site and provide the best service to our customers. It alos provides very simplest way to deal with the regular customer. The most important thing is that, it provides a great security of our system software. Magento is an expensive software and it's all features are very outstanding. It's all features are also difficult so everyone cannot use this feature. This software is very helpful for our business.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

It is very user friendly but sometimes we can't use this software because it's all the features are very difficult so everyone cannot use this software. This software provides the best e-commerce site compare to the other software. Its security protection is very bad, and they cannot protect our system, so our all the data and documents automatically gets deleted. But to conclude that it is not difficult to use and most of the people use this software because it is very friendly and help for our business.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Magento is the best marketing software and best for small businesses or companies. My experience for using this software is extremely positive and I use this software for my daily official work. It is the best e-commerce software and I can easily deal with our customers and provide the best service according to the market. It has saved my lot of time and it makes my life very easy. Magento is very friendly and reliable software. We use this software in a more efficient way because it’s all features are very outstanding and easy to use.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
21 de jul, 2019
Clasificación general:
Olivia S.
Especialista en Ventas
"La plataforma de comercio electrónico Magento ofrece funciones ilimitadas para un comercio eficiente".
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The one of the best great advantage of this software is that the customization can be easily to any extent from everything. Magento is a customizable software. Magento provide the free and the paid membership. Magento is very fast, accurate and perfect for the parts seller. The another best advantage of the Magento is used for the e-commerce platform in the world. Magento is a open source plat form. The flexibility is the biggest point and it makes so easier to look and analyze the performance of the websites to get it a real time information. Magento e-commerce platform is a great and have to power lunch from small to large business.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Adobe Commerce?

The one problem of that this software is that we faced the set up and the customization process of the Magento is very difficult. The other problem is that it required a lot of time to customize a magneto software. The inter price of this software is very expensive. Magento does not have the many features to attract the business. Therefore customization of pretty is very difficult as compared to other e-commerce platform. Hence, the big problem of this software is that it can lead to searching of our websites.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Adobe Commerce y cómo le beneficia eso?

Magento is very useful and it is so easy to use software. This software our mostly used in e-commerce. Magento is one of the world leading e-commerce platform. Magento e-commerce platform is a great and have to power launch for small to large business. This feature is easily accessible. One of the most interesting feature about this software we can easily find out relevant websites. Magento provide the many tools and the organization technologies to promote e-commerce store.

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